cast menacing fake charms in lonely pronouns

 Dear Reader,

Today I woke up very late at around 9:30, I slept

..and when I opened my eyes front yard was covered in 20 cm of snow...

and it was still snowing....

it snowed, stopped and snowed all day...

now it 9:30 pm and it is still snowing...

so reader....last night

at 3:00 am I woke up

and couldn't sleep afterwards, later around 5:00 am I fell in sleep

probably that is why I slept to such a late hour...

night creeps are visiting me again

I was ok for a while...

when I woke up I had to do many things quickly...

breakfast, meditation, snow shovelling and small repairs with the house...

next week is the last week for me in this beautiful house

the street on the back of this house is named "Hermes"


so I am backed by Hermes...

did you know I have realized this after I have started writing about it and after I have many incidents that brought me to his wisdom....

if I tell you all the story probably you wouldn't believe me 

and probably you would consider me crazy!

this journey of enlightenment and awakening business...

started long before I came to Quebec...

all these little cairns of happenings: information, coincidences and weird events

guided me where I am at right now...

it was a bumpy journey full of lessons

so reader Hermes introduced himself to me way before I found out he was backing me up

a street behind...

therefore...this house has a great sentimental value to me...

I will never forget the things I lived in here

the lessons, experiences, pain, suffering and good times as well....

I came to  be friends with all the creatures around aside the humans in this neighborhood

I will miss all the birds, bunnies, dogs, ravens, squirrels, cardinals, sparrows, blue jays, woodpeckers, cats and many others

my bike trips, depressions, expansions, 

good weathers, bad wethers...

its the house where I found my true self...

where I break the shackles 

where I peeked through the veil

because cairns guided me here 

I placed a cairn as well by the end of the driveway...

watching the moon in this house is amazing,

as well as meditating in the living room as the sun is rising

talking like this make me sad

reader change is the only constant thing in life

we change we move 

its the name of the game of Journey

you need the change to grow...

let me change the topic and talk about more funny and hopeful stuff about the present and the moment

reader do you remember my small experiment on making beer at home.

tonight I tried the first batch...

and I am not sure how I can describe the taste

but I can tell you that it take me a while to 

remove that taste from my tongue

reader I was not able to craft a beer

but instead I created bottled abomination

believe me vinegar is more drinkable

in comparison...

I am not sure how I will find the courage to try the second batch

reader yesterday in my blog I wrote a poem

today I read it again like always I do

and I did some changes

than I read it again and did more changes

if look at it again probably I will do changes again..

the change is about the use of pronoun...

because in my native language pronouns are gender neutral

some instances I can have confusion

so the changes I made are changes in pronouns

I am confused whether I should use he, she or it for a word describing a non-living

entity...which is capable of giving a birth to life!

As I said earlier I am not into Grimoire

I don't follow it, I cast my words from the heart

not from the sense of organization and rules set by others

I am making my own rules

Currently listening to White Hot by Red Rider

its a popular song I like to listen a lot

like the lyrics a lot!!!

"I need rain!"

today I watched a movie in Netflix which reminded me of this song for some reason

although the catchy phrase in the song I write above 

it caught me by the balls

the rest of the lyrics are nice and a great adventure story

but whenever I yearn for a great rain 

I want to listen to this song


fiscal bliss of groove

a calm lore of viable material.

infinite love to fools; gold coin for tools!

ghouls cast prints where ever they walk,

cast menacing fake charms in lonely pronouns.

floppy minds copying words of wisdom,

flowing with the popular, without the ears of understanding! 

menacing glows are from the sparkles of  fire-words of mediocracy;

first drink the booze of reality and than spit the words of eternity..

drown in love, fail and bleed, die before you die, than attempt to fly.... 

                                                                                      King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Geiger Richárd (1870-1945) - In: 1900 Endrei Zalán - Károly Fekten: The History of the World volume, Hermes accompanies the dead. Public Domain in USA, Source Link is Given on the Image)





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