Words, photographs & notes from an unreal, reality


Words, photographs & notes from an unreal, reality by King H. Ironson

    Words, photographs & notes from an unreal, reality – is an attempt to construct real reality from a perspective that is considered to be non-existent yet the only valid way to reach the real reality. Most of us don’t recognize the fake life we live in without noticing it. Unfortunately, we acknowledge it as the real reality. Instead, the reality we perceive is the great animation, great illusion and a great scam. The ones that were lucky and fortunate enough to lift this veil of illusion face a great awakening. This brings an important duty and responsibility to the person whom experienced this illumination to within to without. Now they have to initiate others to take the path to awake themselves, to prompt a journey to search their light within. Every journey has to be taken alone and every journey is different, so the responsibility remains in the initiation and being a silent guide. I have tried to use the words and images of this world in order to kill its unreal reality. I hope it would be useful for the dreamer to be awaken to light of the real reality.



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