About you


About You by King H. Ironson

    King H. Ironson is a punk with no boundaries who is determined to fight all shallowness and low-quality word combinations. “About you” is his second published work from Blue Heart Publications. This is reflective poetry work which digs deep inside the core of one’s consciousness. The source where everything begins and ends. A self discovery is not an inspection of your body it’s a discovery of your mind and how its connected to the source. Its beyond being capable of seeing it, its touching the reality itself. One shouldn’t consider themselves that they know the reality, unless they have completed their inner journey which starts with a great acceptation of self and letting it go. It starts as being a tourist in your own mind and visiting it like a trip to a museum, without judgement. The poems in this book are the word combinations generated with this touristic journey to the mind. As the great keeper of the secrets Hermes Trismegistus stated “Lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding”.



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