The Great Wait


The Great Wait By King H. Ironson

    The Great Wait is fourth poetic work of King H Ironson. He is known with his short punk verses of quality word combinations that cause paradoxes in space time continuum. In the great wait author is taking a microscopic evaluation of wait, life, time, love and hate. He is mingling the words to show the depths of meaning of these words in relation to one another. All this is observed and brought to you from the stand point of the word “wait”. In the perspective of authors all words are valuable and all have suitable places but meaning of some weight so heavy to be caried by authors yet alone by anyone. This poetic work not only aims to prevent readers from the traps caused by certain words also show a duration of space time observed by King H Ironson himself. Boldly he has taken the challenge to be stuck in a wait just to transfer all his experiences to you. This poetic work might be so harsh for some readers therefore caution is advised.

2022-02-0   2


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