Human condition

 Hello All,

I just slept tonight, here I am awoke at 3:30 am

like the most of the nights. 

A little sleep with an uneasy rest.

Your body finds ways to get back on you,

if you change your routine.

Sleep deprivation, is another b.tch  that

can create unreal realities for you.

Sometimes you live in a place like a heaven

but in contrast you live the hell there

Sometimes you live in a place like a hell

but in contrast you live the heaven there.

"The human condition" with all of its majestic imperfections

can get you a f.cked up reality. 

If you don't have the control over your "mind"

Anyone can ask, "Oh King can't you control your "mind"?"

I would response "Can you?"

Can you think in a way to expel all your negative emotions and thoughts in order to eradicate all suffering in your life?

Let's think for a while personally you achieved this!

Do you think your suffering would be all over when 8 billion minus one people continues to suffer?

We are connected in ways to each other in ways we cannot ever comprehend?

and in this case I am not talking about a sacred deep love connection that you can feel to another human being!

Even if you eradicate your own suffering, you will still suffer, because of the suffering of the others.

When you can only have a feeble  control over your own consciousness, where as its a drop in the ocean of the global consciousness which you don't have a control! We are not even talking about the universal consciousness of the realms we can perceive! 

Your mind is an access/connection point for all these, yet you only try to control suffering for your own domain. If we think for a second you can achieve to eradicate suffering for your own domain with this shallow act,  you will still suffer because of the sufferings of others just because you cannot end the suffering of all with your mind. 

Yes. You just cannot control your mind fullest!

But you can add a positive drop from your mind to collective consciousness to reduce suffering, 

 You can try to control it to a more positive!

This is not an illumination that comes to you and changes everything magically after it occur to you.

This is a constant battle you take every second you breath.

with every small decision you make.

Its a heavy responsibility we all have!

(Image: Mart Production)


 I will end with an old one from "About you" which is my favorite book.

Respond everything in life

With grace and goodness

Always remember

You were made of



Your soul purpose in

Life is to shine.


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