Hello readers, followers or whatever you choose to define yourself,

Today, I want to talk a little bit about my first published book "A Poetic Investigation on What love is?" !

What color would you think that "Love" would be? 

In my opinion it was "Blue" in color when I wrote the book.

The way we perceive things changes in regard to the time and emotions that we were in.

Sometimes we perceive emotions of others and determine how our feelings towards them are going to be.

When I wrote these poems it was blue for me! 

A feeling that was initiated to me by a non existent character I made up in my mind.

We will talk about this character and how she was converted to gave life to another deity in my still ongoing book project later.

So, lets say its an inspiration, an imaginary character with cosmos eyes, long dark black hair, pale white skin with  a mind full of self inflicted inhibition of life through misconceptions and prejudices.

The millennial's calls this ADHD! ha ha ! Sorry millennials! I can't stop my self baking you guys.

Though, I gave a very shallow description of this character earlier because in order to produce poetry you will need emotions as well. You need to build up a set of emotions for this character too.

Otherwise, the poems would lack a soul!

Like I mentioned earlier "each poem is a poet"

You need to make that happen ;0

This girl is a obviously a millennial, who thinks that she got everything figured out with very limited knowledge, experience, wisdom. 

Imagine that her dad is buying a camera to her as a gift and the next day she turns out to the world telling how a great photographer she is! 

A hallow bubble, 

Says blah blah to me on what I am saying to her earlier in my mind now. She is very arrogant!

She is like the people that send couple of e-mails to here and there and considers them that they have done great amount of work and call it of a day.

Unfortunately, these kinds of people are placed to great places in life until, people figure out how a great f.ck up they are.

I really can't get this, if you don't have experienced something on your own how can you consider yourself great at that thing?

Do you think that copying here and there can get you somewhere? I really can't get it!

I had a lot of arguments with this character in my mind.

Being a "human being" is not only about existing due to copy pasting of genes (result of sex).

You can only be "human" with the outcome of sex.

Being a "human being" requires experiencing! Its also requires failing many times before succeeding!

Imagine a character that prevents themselves doing anything, which can have the possibility to hurt them.

A wuss.. That's my character in the book !

I have to also mention you that I cannot stand her talking as well !

In 2000 they told everybody that the millennium bug is going to f.ck up every computer system in the world.

At the time we didn't understand what it was, we thought it was going to be a system error with large consequences but, now I can clearly see it was the millennials produced by the system!.

The millennials with the shallow social media personalities, to much ease, less effort, high amount of gratification, to much options, confused, dazed, over inked, low thinked...

Narcissist's, unhappy, unsatisfied, arrogant, fake characters are produced.

I am not telling these to insult anyone, unfortunately its the reality. Its the unfortunate consequence of a big shift in technology which consumed us all. Devoured our "beings" left us with the "human"

The values went missing! Unfortunately it will never return!

It was the great millennium bug. 

That's why I thought to myself. King, you cannot get into peoples head nowadays with the type of poetry of Milton, or yet alone Neruda.

These new guys won't get them (unfortunately!)

So if you want to give something them to think !

The poetry should be;

so simple 


It has to create blue screen of death and initiate a hard reset!

It has to be faulty (so that's how they can relate)

it has to be three cords

like a Ramones song

it should catch

and smack you 

right on the chin

and hit you to ground

It has to be raw


real, yet as


as a haiku




waterfall of a 




So I mashed up this type of poetic creation in a book to talk about the basic values such as love, hope, time etc. to these unfortunate generation created in the process of what we call technological shift.

Anyways, I know many of you will hate me after all this baking of a generation.

So be it. I am just telling you what I see, also this is not a claim that my generation is not f.cked up.

I believe my generation is more f.cked up than yours but we already know that we are soo f.cked up so I thought maybe your generation wants to recognize that they are very f.cked up as well to prevent future generation f.ck ups. Its a wake up call for baby boomers the most f.cked up of them all and whom lost the train. How the f.ck you can loose a train?!

As I said in the book's introduction "this is not only the story of this lifetime it happened before and it will happen again".

 Anyways, a homework to millennials read the book! and than you can leave bad comments!

And yes I don't have a tattoo! because I don't think its something authentic any more.

Bad replica of a bad replica! It's my opinion! You don't have to agree!

Anyways, the book is written to the character that I just explained above.

I named her "Blue"

"Blue" is confused by the reality of emotions instead she uses them as the "like"

like that you can put on a social media page for indicating you liked something.

The real "being" of "blue" is trapped in a room built by bricks in a dark corner of  "Blue's" mind with no doors and windows.

The only thing her "being" can hear are the songs and the words echoing from outside.

The only way she can know outside world is this way!

Just like the allegory in the Plato's cave.

These poet poems in the book are written to Blue's Imprisoned Being.

Sometimes to "Blue" not her "Being"!

The poems try to explain the concept of "Love" to "Blue" and her trapped "Being" from my perspective.

Poems are poets, because I wanted "Blue's Being" to have company in that dark corner! Because that is a very tragic way to live for any "human being"!

So you should also read these "poems that are poets" loudly around every f.cked up person to give some piece of reality to the trapped "human beings" in the dark corners of their mind! 

Good Night!







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