The Door

Hi Everyone, Someone, Anyone and the One,

This flowed through my hands this morning,

as the Sun was licking my face...

Easy; no negative feelings

I am away from the toxic sink hole now,

I am returning to my real senses. 

Happiness, will find its way to me! I know it.

                                                        (Photograph: Sami Aksu)


The Door was always open for you.

The closed thing was your perception of the door you wanted to pass.

The compartments you created in your life, which you juggle

without hitting one another would not pass through this door,

yet you cannot put this door and the thing it contains in 

one of your compartments. You just cannot! Its vast and have no

containable size!  

Its dimensions and scope is beyond control,

The door is a portal that you get to lost in it! 

The door cannot be contained!

The Door is still open, 

Its your choice to take the step in it,

I will be waiting in the sill, 

in the interface,

Weird and strange things


in the interfaces.

In the sill you will

find me

In the sill you will 

find my


 King H. Ironson


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