What kind of poem, do you see ?

 Hello All,

Grateful for passing a Moonday, without a heart-attack!

I used to enjoy Moondays, until I started to work in a very toxic workplace.

Here is a poem to you for today!

Not much energy to chat :(

What kind of poem,

do you see 

when you look 

in the mirror?

What kind of demons,

haunt your mind?

Is it the regret?

Is it the feeling of being left behind?

being abandoned?

Is it the weight of being transformed to someone

who gives the same abandonment pain to you?

Is it that you have abandoned you from yourself

to prevent yourself from what you really want?

Oh yes this is written especially for you!

Because each time I gaze into the mirror,

I see


               King H. Ironson         

(Photograph: Clement Percheron)

Love is Simple

Law is simple!

Whatever you give

you will receive back.

If you give fakeness,

you will receive fakeness.

If you use people for money,

people will use you for money.

If you manipulate people

people will manipulate you.

If you give love,

you will receive love.

If you give light,

you will receive light. 

If you give fear,

you will receive fear.

If you give magic,

you will receive magic.

If you give poetry,

you will receive poetry.

Darling, be careful on what you give around!

It will turn back around for you!  

King H. Ironson (Somewhere, sometime around the end of 2022).


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