
 Hello Dear Bearer of Soul,

Tonight, I will attempt to rewrite the story of Arachne,

Get your lessons from it...

Listen to me people..

I gave you the story of Arachne...

Whom f#cked around with gods!

Love is,

Fucking with gods.

It usually doesn’t

End up well.

            King H. Ironson

              (From: A poetic investigation on: What love is?)

Arachne was a poor soul,

A daughter of a farmer,

Someone insignificant,

Arachne hold the flame inside of her....

It was the flame of creativity...

It was the flame of ambition....

Yes she was not an important person...

but she wanted to excel on what she did and wanted to be immortalized with what she did!

she wanted to be in the same level with gods...

Our maiden, helped her father Idmon diligently,

Idmon was farming and herding sheep,

He was a man making livelihood of his family from the earth,

Fields gave him the wheat, barley, grape, meadows gave food to his sheep 

that are well fed and have lots of wool...

Idmon also earned gold from dying of wool of his sheep and selling woven goods in the market.

Arachne, learned to deal with the wool at a very early age...

It became the only light in her life

an escape from reality...

an escape from being poor...

an escape from being insignificant...

I don't think at this age she ever thought that we will be talking about her story ages later...

She was a good weaver even when she was a small kid...

As she grew to become a young maiden she became master of her craft...

She made the most beautiful wool tapestries and woven  craft in all of the known world. 

Arachne did not turned out to be a very beautiful girl, she was ok...but the things she wove

were so beautiful that when you look at them....

the beauty of woven figures would make you fell in love and break your heart at the same time.

The figures, the events on the tapestries, fabrics Arachne wove came to life...

You can literally watch them like today's television...

They were pure, natural and alive...

She gave life to the carpets, fabrics and things she wove....

This great success of Arachne was in everybody's tongue...

The beauty of her tapestries even came up to Olympus.

Hera whom turned herself into a mortal young beautiful women and came to the market,

to see poor Arachne's carpet...Hera gave one gold coin and bought Arachne's carpet.

Of course Arachne was not aware that she was selling a carpet to Hera. 

Hera bought the carpet to make mockery of Athena (AKA Minerva) who thought that she was the fairest, wisest, most beautiful and strongest among Hera and Aphrodite. She was arrogant enough to claim the "Golden Apple" which was intended for the fairest of the gods...

Poor Arachne with good intensions, great talent and with terrible ignorance, wove that carpet which was depicting Hermes making love with Herse in one corner and on the other corner Hera was depicted holding of a golden apple, the other corner it was Zeus sitting in his throne and in final corner Arachne depicted herself while woving carpet depicted at the same level with gods.

The irony in the situation is that in the great hall of Olympus until now Athena was known as the greatest embroider, and the best one in woving. 

The carpet of poor Arachne was like an open insult to Athena...

Not only it shows that the talent of a mortal is way better than hers...

Not only it shows that she put herself among the gods...

Not only it shows that Hera is holding the golden apple....

It was Hermes her other half making love with Herse....That will nail the coffin of Arachne....

Hera waited to insult Athena on the dinner time...

When in the hall the gods were feasting 

Athena started to talk lyrically about the epic poem on 

how she helped Perseus with Hermes..

Gods in divine places always talk with one another through poetry...

Poor mortal think that they are singing..

Athena: "....Oh Zeus, when Perseus 

                Received thine shield 

                it shined evil spirit of Medusa 

                right back to that evil corpse,

                I gave miracle of victorious

                strife borne from weapon

                forged within the evil serpent queen.

                Than in every attack Perseus 

                    ducked that evil by the  flying sandals 

                            of my Hermes..."

Hera raised her wine goblet to Athena and said...

Hera: " Oh Athena how wise you are...

                How strong you are....

                    You are the greatest...

                          Finally, you accepted who is the fairest...

                              In my chamber I found your purest gift...

                                    So far this tapestry is your best....    

                                        Which shows your greatest.....


Hera added "with humility!"

than she threw the carpet in the middle of the hall for everybody to see!!!!

The color of Athena's face changed to "RED"

From anger she crushed the wine goblet in her hand....

Hera gave a huge laughter, followed by other gods laughter....

At that point Athena's pride was crumbling into pieces just like the goblet broken to pieces in her hand.

Athena did not say anything, she just left the hall with revenge in her mind and swords of humiliation on her back.

Thanks god that day Hermes was not among the gods.

Next day Athena disguised herself in the form of an old women went to have her revenge from the crafter of that carpet which was a pure insult to her.

Athena, in the form of the old women, walked in the markets to find a carpet that have the similar type of figures and style..

She checked all the markets of ancient world and it was nowhere to be found, 

There was only one town was left.

It was the town of Arachne.

Arachne was in the market trying to sell her embroideries, carpets, tapestries and fabric...

She was woving as she was waiting for the customers...

All of a sudden an old women appeared behind her back...

Old women said: "Young maiden

                                you have some talent...

                                    but I dare you to paint...

                                        the image of the fairest....

                                            Gods in the Olympus in your carpet..."

Old women added: "I will give you one gold coin and take your carpet to the King of Athens as a Gift

                                    I am sure he will give your more gift for such a talent"

Arachne looked back and saw an old women with royalty clothes....

She was old but it was sure she was not from the common folk...

She got excited...

Arachne said "My fair lady

                        don't be weary

                        come rest in here 

                    I will weave your tapestry


Arachne seated the old women and than immediately started a new carpet....

She made exact same replica of her best seller....THE CARPET she sold earlier to Hera!

Arachne finished the carpet very quickly and handed to the rich old women.

The old women started to look to the carpet noded.

Old women: "Young Maiden tell me 

                            Who is this God on the corner 

                                    holding a golden apple

                                          Who is this god on the corner        

                                                making love to the wifie

                                                    Who is this god on the other corner 

                                                            sitting on the throne    

                                        And tell me who is this god on the other corner    

                                            making carpet on love."

Arachne: Stunned, with the question responded

                    "My fair lady,

                        the first corner is our god Hera fairest of all

                        the second corner is our Hermes wisest of all

                        the third corner is our Zeus strongest of all   

                and last corner is Arachne best weaver of all"

Arachne was the best alright in weaving but it was that moment she was defeated...

Defeated by arrogance

Defeated by pride

Defeated by passion

Defeated by love

Defeated by ignorance.

Old women converted to Athena right before her eyes...

Athena said "Arrogance walks 

                        with ignorance

                               They both love


                                    Now its time

                                        for you to end your life!"

Athena, take the shuttle of Arachne and stabbed it to her neck...

Poor  Arachne fell on her weaving table all in blood entangled to the ropes like a spider.

Athena said in anger without rhyme, "you found what you deserved....

You lost your pathetic life......

You are not immortal like gods now;

are you?"

Athena disappeared from the scene..

Hera was watching what happened from the corner she hid all along..

She was afraid because poor Arachne was dead because of her...

So she had to find a way to close all the tracks leading back to her.....

Zeus would be furious if he ever learns this.

And Hera was certain that Athena will tell everything to him...

She needs to disprove her.

Hera thought....I cannot give back life to this mortal whom already lost it...

Because if I do, Zeus will find out what I did.

She cannot talk anymore..

Nor weave carpets, embroideries....She can't and She shouldn't...

If she came back she would talk, make carpets, embroideries and tell the story...

Zeus would learn this story and find out what I did !

She cannot be left as dead, she can't and she shouldn't

If she left dead she would be a proof of what I did !

Zeus would learn this story and find out what I did! 

But I can convert her to an animal.... whom nobody would suspect..

Hera looking to Arachne entangled in the strings with a deformed bloody head....

Decided to turn Arachne into a spider.

A spider who cannot talk and whom cannot tell stories from its embroideries...


(Painting: René-Antoine Houasse - Minerve et Arachne (Versailles) 1706)



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