Art Nouveau

(Painting: Alphonse Mucha)

Hello All,

Today we have the topic of "Art Nouveau"

its so "Sexy !"

Look at the women in the painting, look at the way she looks, look at her hair, head piece and symbolism in the painting. So beautiful.

I guess the only art movement that arouse me is "art nouveau" aside to some of the orientalist and naturalist paintings.

The essence of the time period of art nouveau is so attractive.

The way that things were made in this period is with "simple lines" yet so complex and "elegant"

As you can see from the lines above, this is a period I believe when the last good things were made by human beings (in the form of arts, literature, sciences and occult).

Beautiful era of Art Nouveau and the following interwar period brought us many important painters, writers, scientists, mystics, occultist alongside many types of leaders and economical governance forms.

Its the great piece of time when great inventions and discoveries were made.

Yet its also the time when occult, mysticism and spiritualism was peaked.

It was the period of great wars, depressions and love.

This was a time when human kind experienced a great shift in their reality!

Though, I cannot say that the post this era provided very enjoyable culture and a good direction for the human kind!

I like how naïve and pure hearted the people of this era imagined how the future was going to be like while observing great accomplishments and achievements in their time alongside with the horrific events like world war, a great depression and abolishment of monarchy (as you know I'm King! Ha ha!) all around.

They imagined a freer world where people governed themselves and an easier life,  abundance and prosperity brought by the technological developments.  

I wonder how the people of this era would feel if they see our problems today and how we perceive the future?

The things we have selected and owned as good options for us, are now creating problems for us!

What you own,

Owns you!

For instance, all the technology and discoveries made in that era brought us thrash and mediocracy!

The science and technology replaced/ killed the soul inside of things, including humans!

The mysteries and unknowns were murdered in the world!

I am not saying these lightly, instead I am saying them by highlighting that I am a scientist  (alongside being the writer of this blog and very lousy poems)!

How did all this happened !

It all happened because of a pursuit of more abundant and prosperous life!

When materialism take over! There is no place left for spirit!

After the transformation complete, our buildings started to look like a block of cheese,

for the sake of efficiency. 

Even our art has changed to modern art !

Compare older works with the newer works, in the new works there are only simple lines or blocks of color shades in the paintings. These are founded as the new aesthetic.

But why?

As I said earlier "What you own, owns you!"

If you see cheese blocks of building all around you, you will paint blocks of color shades in your painting.

(I would like to mention this not a critique of the modernist paintings, or minimalist paintings and painters.)

The artist gives us the interpretation of  their own era! 

After the shift take place in the mind of the society all the art is reduced to simple lines and shades!

Now it was the time to produce and consume, for the sake of convenience.

A new age for humanity, work, consume, reproduce repeat the cycle

There is no time for mystery, dreaming, spirit and finer things.

Unfortunately, all of the things I mentioned in the previous sentence takes time!

And in the new normal time is money! and money gets you food, shelter, convenience

Therefore  as you can comprehend, back than we sold all the finer things in life for comfort.

As humans we have accepted this mediocrity. We fooled ourselves!

With the lie that we will be free individuals governed by our own choices,

we choose to loose our dreams, time, soul and freedom to have a convenient life. (What you own, owns you!)

We traded our most important values for convenience!

The values which made us "human beings"

And the values we lost are the values which could give us the keys of enlightenment.

We lost our connection with ourselves and the nature.

Bond was broken!

Unfortunately, also I can see that we are going through to another big shift of reality as of now!

I believe this time we will end up with a more shallow culture. Maybe after this shift we call the new movement of art as  "art of  thrash"!

Unfortunately, mediocrity and convenience brought by previous shift didn't  only brought prosperity and abundance to the certain part of the world, it also brought, environmental problems, and lack of equality for the opportunities to the remaining part of the world.

These problems still wait in our door step to be solved.

Since we lost our connection to one another and the world we live in, I believe this new era would be the harvest time for the disasters we created with our own hands!

As humans we need to find ways to live in a balanced manner with one another, with our environment and with our core values which makes human in the first place so that we don't create new problems for future generations! 

In this context, aside from the high aesthetic of the "Art Nouveau" Era;

I like the art nouveau period because its the last time when things were made by hand and with care.

Its the last period when the humanity was in equilibrium with everything !

Its the last period when our core values, were still alive and walking among us.

Art Nouveau was the last period when humans were humble 

in front of mysteries! 

You are the one

Who lived,

Many times


In ancient



You are the one

Who wants to be,


In depths

Instead of


King H. Ironson

(From: About you)




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