Avocado Warming! & Warning!

Hello All,

I have watched a documentary today,

which pissed me off a little bit.

Not the documentary but the situation mentioned in the 


So I wanted to share it with you,

Its about healthy foods particularly its on Avocado and Blue berries grown in South American countries.

You can watch the documentary from the link I gave you in the first line. Its on Youtube.

Its a DW (Deutsche Welle) documentary, which mentions about how Avocado is grown in a 

draught region by stealing the water from the locals by the legislations put by the governments which protect only the rights of large scale Avocado producers.

The Avocado plant which is a tropic tree and thrives in the hot climate and requires large amounts of water, however the producers are trying to grow this plant in arid places in Chile by using the available water from the rivers. The water consumption of the Avocado trees are so much that all the water from the rivers were allocated for this production where as the locals and small farmers have no water. The water usage in Chile was mentioned in the documentary to be commercialized by the government.

The documentary shows large rivers are completely dried just because of this.

Also, since the other natural vegetation cannot receive the water from the natural occurring river the land was desertified more... This vicious cycle is contributing to the warming of the climate in the region. 


All the local people are deprived from water just to promote the Avocado industry?

access to WATER ! is a principle human right!

What is next ! "AIR"?

But why? 

Why something like this happening?

I am not an avocado person, but I want to tell you

its because of the trends !

Since avocado is so Hype and healthy 

everyone is looking forward to eat it more...

more people are considering a healthy life style by not consuming meat and considering a plant based 

diet, with also the intentions of saving the planet maybe...

Its so sad to see road to hell is paved with good intentions!

Because the demand of this stupid fruit which tastes like basically not good, soaring!

(Sorry I really don't like it, and its not because I watched the documentary and saw what's going on !) 

producers where suited locations with water abundance can't keep up with the demand, which causes; developing nations which have suited climate but not water abundance like Chile seeing this as a opportunity to make money.  Though growing this fruit which is basically not suited for the water conditions in their country prompts an environmental catastrophe! All is  just to put that stupid, hype "Avocado" in your plate!

Not everything you eat is good for you!

Considering that you are not extraterrestrial. 

I am sorry, my intention is not to tell you what you should eat or not!

Though, there are serious consequences of the things we choose!

Unfortunately, mass media, social media has a serious effect on our consumption choices!

However, no body cares about the consequences!

I am sure some of the people who will read this text are avocado eaters. Please consider your choices! Please at least supply your valuable avocado from sustainable source that does not produce terrible effects to earth.

I know with all my heart that all the avocado eaters are environmentalists or at least they would not want to kill our beloved "Earth"

And I can tell you that you can get what you need to get from the Avocado from many other sources!

probably You were not eating it 3-4 years ago, I am sure you wouldn't miss any health benefits if you stop eating them as well!

to avoid mishaps like this "avocado" incident my  suggestion would be to eat local produce and when its time for them ! Maybe stay away from the Hype?!

Its up to you to make your own rational choices!

Though it seems obvious to me that "Earth" and "People" over weights "Avocado" if it is a choice!

(Photo: Polina Tankilevitch)

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