
 Hello Friday Lovers,

Today, was a very fruitful day again and aside that 

it was a very beautiful day, a perfect spring weather...

A day that we opened the season of biking with my son...

We both agree that we missed to ride our bikes...

Farewell winter until next time...

Now its time to ride the bike...

Even though my 11 year old son (sun!) told me that he was tired on the way back,

I asked him back "would you like to do another bicycle round after we rested? so that you can be retired!"

As a responsible parent I am teaching him how to do terrible dad jokes....

As well as receiving these abominations aka "ultra mega terrible dad jokes"

Hopefully, he got the good genes from me he is above and beyond in making terrible jokes considering his age.

The following poem I wrote for  my son regarding our little game of inhibiting each other with our terrible jokes. ;)

Some of the jokes we make to one another is so terrible that you get paralyzed for a while and it sticks to your brain all day....


Love is,

The capability of taking

Bad jokes

And still pretending

That you will

Have a good day


             King H. Ironson

            (From a poetic investigation on: What love is?)

There is another poem for you  though this is not in the books!

I wrote this last summer... 

Its about my bike....

I bought this very cheap bike from Canadian Tire... I didn't want to buy 5K bike

not because I don't want to buy, its was just so emotional for me...(emotional being money)

Its just f#ckin' expensive, you can buy a second hand car with some life left on it with that kind of money...

anyways my bike was 0.3K in value mass produced in China 

and have a weird brand name "CCM" 

for a while I thought what the "f#ck" is "CCM"

when I was writing the poem for my bike 

it hit me...."CCM : Chinese Communist Manifesto" 

I laughed loudly on the side of the bike path alone where I was giving a break on a patch of grass 

There were many bikers resting around, they looked to me in weird way...

A weird guy laughing loudly with its terrible bike....

In here everybody rides bikes, and everybody have fuckin great bikes.

even the bikes of old farts are way more expensive than mine...

I feel like a cheapskate in here riding that bike....

The ride of the bike was terrible so "CCM" brand is up to its name haha....

Regardless, even though I don't agree with the political world views of my bike; 

it was the only access to light and freedom in my life in last 3 years ...

It just gave me the feeling of freedom for short periods of time in the summers..

Regardless how terrible and cheap it is;

I know that I am having more fun in comparison to expensive bike owners...

Because I use it not to show off and to sprint 5-6 km... I do 50-60 km each ride 

with that dead weight... 

I like riding bike,

My bike is terrible

It rides like Chinese Communist Manifesto

I renamed it Chinese Communist Mi......

Because it was gifted to me...

(A gift bought with my own mula)

Like all the gifts I receive

It was lousy.

Every once in a while

I hop on it and

Ride it hard

for miles.

I take her to the spots


lovers make out.

Even though it rides terrible

I like to ride it

It gives me a sense of freedom

Like starting a new adventure.

I like to hop on to my bike

Ride it for miles

I like to ride it 

hard like

I intend to break its bones.

Its a terrible bike

I can't go fast with it.

I cannot compete with 

expensive fancy bikes

but its my bike.

I like to ride it hard

It gives me thrill

even though its saddle 

is a pain in my butt.

I like to ride 

my bike

I like to ride it


When I can't ride it

I dream of riding it

riding it hard.

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)



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