BooB's Trap!

 Hello all and null!

Do you remember my earlier post which have the black and white photo of a young beauty with gorgeous boobs?

It was a nice photo wasn't it? That post had the highest interaction! Can you believe?

Everybody took the bait without questioning!

When there is boobs present everything stops and all attention is given to the boobs!

This is called a BooB's Trap! 


Who can say no to a juicy bouncy boobs?

or boobs that are  like the rockets which can take you to space!

or boobs that are  small  though with tits that have a big authority on expression.. (Woow!)

boobs that are apple sized,  grape sized,  melon sized

boobs that  are round, boobs that are conical, boobs that are bell shaped, boobs that are tear drop shaped 

BʘʘBS - BʘʘBS -BʘʘBS !!!

All kind of boobs take the attention!

You are reduced to zero, if there is a boob around!

Unfortunately, I cannot offer you BOOBS!

I don't have them, 

I am also helpless for them when I see them!

I am one of you, I don't blame you taking the bait of BooB!

I would have taken the bait as well...

So please feel free to send me your nudes (Females only!)

Among my poetic journey many women send me their breath taking nudes!

Its very special when someone takes the time to put beautiful underwear on, makes their hair

than take their clothes of and took pictures to show their body to you!

A very special connection ;) 

I write a poem for their body and send it back to them!

A fair trade! 

Female body is so aesthetic, so enjoyable to look at! It takes you to places in your mind!

Sorry, I got carried along.

So, I am actually talking about attention, and  seeking of this attention.

As we talked earlier in the Avocado incident, this attention seeking is taking humanity to terrible situations.

It just starts by following the Hype!  and trying to be Hype!

Monkey See! -> Monkey Do!

We are evolved a lot since then

but we still keep several behaviors coming from our Monkey descent!

We copy desirable things from one another!

We try to seek attention of others!

We try to take every chance we got for disseminating our genes! 

So basically we still have an animal nature!

Though we created system of values as well which basically tries to put us to a distinct place above all the other animals.

We can say sometimes we forget where we come from and we think that we are very complex creatures!

Actually, above sentence says otherwise we are very "complex beings"

or I should state this way "we have the potential to be very complex beings"

though it depends on us!

We need to be aware of our animal nature,


We need to be aware of our consciousness!

The distinction of us from the animals is our consciousness! 

Consciousness is defined as the awareness of one's self and its surroundings.

We can discuss that the animals also have this consciousness. 

Yes that is true, but theirs is limited and it is for to stay alive, reproduce etc.

We on the other hand! We do all that with it but also...

We seek to be immortal!

with it...

We leave knowledge to one another!

The first man put his hands on the cave wall to remind us

that there is a way to be immortal!

There is a key in all of us that allows us to do change!

We have the key to do "change" knowingly!

Even though we have a limited perception of our surroundings unlike other animals,

We do have a larger brain which creates a reality for us with the limited perception we

provide it with our senses.

It does magic! 

It does not make us only aware to the made up reality it creates

It also creates new futures for us...

It is our prison yet also it is also the gateway to other worlds!

So, if you can manage to use it in ways to make it a mind 

Than  perception of the reality played for you changes!

We will have the key in our hand!

(Unknown painter in Australia 7000 BC) 

You are

Not lost.

You are


In your mind.

That is the only



There will ever


                                         King H. Ironson



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