
 Hello All, Null, Skull and Bull,

Last night I had a dream, it was something like this,

I was in a country like Mexico/India, some imaginary place which 

was very crowded foreign, hot and not west.

We were running around to catch trains

but to reach the train we need to cross

multiple railroads on foot

there were no crossings 

you just walk on tracks to reach across

there were trains coming in every direction 

without warning and we were dragging 

luggage with wheels

Like we were in a budget world tour

in an unknown country

we were smiling

we were we

we were happy

only worry we had 

to miss the train,

You bought the train tickets

because I ran out of money

you said I got you

I said to you I got you as well

We got one another

You were smiling to me anxiously

like saying nothing matters

as long as we are together...

Like a small boat on the ocean

in a stormy night

I can take any wave 

as along as we are


A police stopped us on the 

gate like he wanted to receive a bribe,

You wanted to pass on the gate

but I stopped, you stopped with me,

He was laughing devilishly

He knew it could cost us missing the train

You were anxious, but smiling at me 

Like you were smiling doing the dishes,

looking outside dreaming of you and me

Butterflies in your stomach

You look to me like love

All of a sudden a group came rushing to the gates 

and you took the chance and moved with them

as I followed you without a question,

You ran to the train looking back to me

Smiling, with love, 

we ran to the train

we ran from the pain

we ran from the worries

we ran from the fear

As we made to the train

I asked you why did you

wanted to run from the police anxiously,

Did you do something wrong?

You responded me 

"No, I bought our tickets with my last money"

"I didn't want him to ruin our vacation"

I looked to you amazed and sad.

You looked back smiling lovingly, and said

"I only wanted to go to a new city with you, "

Than you held my hand, and kissed me on my cheek.

Whispered my ear "I Love you, everything is going to be fine"

The time was very vague like it was now and like it was before,

I knew it was not in this world,

Maybe in another reality.

It was peaceful. 

I woke up in the middle of the night!

Than tried to sleep again 

to continue seeing this dream again

It was no avail. It was a new dream

You were gone.

(Passage By Anna Sahlsten 1859-1931) 



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