getting crowded here!

 Hello All, Null and Bull,

We are getting crowded here! Its pleasant to see new readers!

Welcome, Welcome...

There is enough poetry for everyone  don't worry!

Though I am getting short on nudes!

Ladies please ! Help me out here!

In order to prevent all of us from the lack of Boobs,

I gave you another blast from the past!

More Boobs Trap!

Its Friday for God's Sake! 

We need to honor Venus!

Here is a piece from my Unfinished book 72,

I left this book for a long time, I just didn't continue to write it.

It just didn't felt right to write it anymore so I stopped at one point!

Maybe I will continue to write it and finally finish it some time.

I am not decided yet...

Though as you all know like all the other books this book is also already written,

It is with Hermes, 

I am waiting him to show up in me to complete this book!

Its a personal book for Hermes,

So I cannot tell you when this will finish..

Its up to him, I am only a messenger,

Though some part is already written already by me,

Here is a part from it!!

There are very explicit sensual parts related to Minerva,

this is not one of them though, 

Instead of explicit part I gave you a nude photo today!


Minerva, your mother Metis

Impregnated the mind of Jupiter,

And you were born from there.

Do you really believe that?

Then, Jupiter had a big headache

And they took you out by splitting

His head open with an axe.

For fucks sake did you also believed,

You were born in full armor and came out with

A spear?

 It is as stupid as believing,

Your mother was my wife and you are my mother.

It was thy seed gave birth to you and will

Gave birth to you, aeons to come.


You are the holy mother and wife to

Every creature.

I have already impregnated your mind.

You will create river beds

That are thirsty to water,

Covered with outgrown plants,

That’s where you will hide me,

Underneath of many unimportant stones.

You will throw stone after stone on me.

Even underneath these stones you

hid me,

I will show the mortal people their way,

When they were


We gave the life to the words,

We gave the life to imagination,

You are my mom,

You are my wife,

You are my daughter,

As I am,

Your dad,

Your husband,

Your son.

If you believe in such lie.

We will always be opposites,


                            King H. Ironson 

                            (From a part of 72 unfinished book project)

(Photo: Jules Richard 1900's)


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