

Tonight you have a story time!

I give you the story of Herse!

Herse was the most beautiful thing 

a morning Dew on nature.

A lovely princess.

Beloved daughter of King Cecrops

and the Queen Aglaurus

Herse had a natural beauty

She is like the morning kiss of the nature

she was curious and a little disobedient kid,

She was the most spoiled princess of the King and the Queen,

Herse had two more sibblings Aglauros and Pandrosos,

They all liked Herse, a beauty a lucid serenity.

One day Athena (AKA Minerva) brought a basket for the three sisters

She told them to take care of the Basket.

Athena told them

"Look out for my basket,

But never open it! The content of the basket is mine to see!"

There was a tragic outcome in the basket.


Athena left the basket and disappeared.

Even though the most spoiled and curious one of the sisters being Herse,

She followed the orders of Athena.

However, Aglauros could not fight the urge to sneak peak inside the basket

As she opened the basket 

she was shocked on what she saw!

A half snake and half a Baby!

Unfortunately, she was being watched by Corone,

servant of Athena. 

Corone, opened her wings 

flew to Athena and told her what she saw.

"Her Majesty, daughters of King Cecrops opened your basket"

"I saw them with my own bird eyes"

Athena responded

"Tell me at once whom opened my basket"

Corone told her "I saw Aglauros and Herse"

Actually, Herse had nothing to do with this incident,

but her beauty is the cause of jealousy even for birds.

Though this jealousy is coming from the goddess Envy whom enchanted Corone  by accident

as Corone was sneaking around her temple.

Athena went furious...

"Tell me what do you want as a reward from me?"

Corone responded back

"Give me black shiny feathers, a long life  and make me your messenger"

Athena said "fair enough"

Athena turned the color of  Corone's feathers to black and made her crow.

Now Corone is the messenger of Athena for the loyalty she showed.

Athena furious with the news brought to her because the basket contained a tragic outcome of a terrible incident.

There was a baby in the basket it was of son of Hephaustes.

Hephaustes, the idiot whom tried to rape Athena. 

Athena was strong she did not let such thing happen to her, the incident ended as an unsuccessful attempt.

However the semen of  Hephaustes washed all over on Athena's leg.

Hephaustes ran away with shame... 

Athena cleaned her leg in anger and throw the semen covered rag to the ground.

An unfortunate event....

The semen impregnated Gaia and a half baby and half snake creature was born.

Athena wanted this baby to be raised as mortal and wanted  him to be the future King..

So that is why she put him in the basket and gave him to the sisters.

She hoped that baby would hear and learn how to be a human and how to be a royalty with the sisters.

Now everything is ruined. They ruined my festival.

This is my time and those stupid mortals ruined it. 

I will make them pay.

In the mean time Hermes was in Athens for the festival of his other half Athena.

As he was walking the street lookin around, he saw a glimpse of Herse 

from the door of the palace.

Hermes fell for her right that moment. 

He went through the door but he could not see Herse;

but he was greeted with Aglauros 

"Tell me mortal who was that beauty I saw through this door"

Aglauros responded "O mighty Hermes, she must be "Herse" my sister"

"tell me mortal how can I see her again, I want to hold her hand, I want to make her mine!"

Aglauros said "Hermes the great god, If you give me gold as much as the weight of Herse, I will help you make her yours"

Hermes agreed and told her to wait there!

In the meantime ever watchful Corone with her new black feathers was watching from above again.

Of course she flew right back to Athena to tell her what she saw 

Corone: "Oh her Majesty, you won't believe what I heard, what I saw!"

"Your other half Hermes, fell for Herse, and made a deal with Aglauros to make her his!"

Athena, the great god of wisdom earlier defeated to Anger, now being defeated to Jealousy!.

She shouted in anger "Fly to the goddess of Envy, tell her that I sent you, Tell her to poison Aglauros at once!"

Corone flew right back to the place where it was accidentally poisoned by Jealousy earlier, and framed poor Herse. She knew where she has to go.

She went to Envy and told her what Athena asked of her. 

Envy gave Corone seeds of "Envy" 

She told to Corone, "eat these, than fly over Aglauros. You will poop on her back and it will poison her with Envy"

Corone ate the seeds and fly to Aglauros and pooped on her back without her noticing just before Hermes came back to her with the gold.

Hermes came back flying to Aglauros.

He told her; "Here is the gold you wanted from me! Now take me to Herse! Take me to my Bride"

Aglauros, take the gold and said to Hermes; "Oh great Hermes, let me hide these gold before somebody steal it, than I will take you to her just wait for a while"

Hermes thought that this was a reasonable request.

He started to wait.

He waited, waited and waited.

Than he understood the he was being tricked.

He flew and found where Aglauros hiding...

with anger he told "You can't trick me take me to my bride right away!"

Aglauros with envy "pick me Hermes, not her! See I am rich now"

Hermes yelled "take me to Herse"

Aglauros "Never, I will not let you have her, I locked her in her room. Be mine not hers"

Hermes pushed away Aglauros and opened the door of Herse's room.

Aglauros hold the leg of Hermes to stop him.

Hermes turned her to a black marble and poor Aglauros turned to stone.

Hermes was sad but she did not leave her any choice!

Hermes spoke; "Beautiful Herse, I saw you through the door, you were the most beautiful thing I have seen, in this world. Your beauty enchanted me! Hold my hand be my bride, I will give you a beautiful daughter, a little princess just like yourself."

Herse was looking enchanted to Hermes,

He was very handsome and wise....

Herse responded "Oh my Prince, tell me more of your wisdom, come with me, you must be tired, let me hold your hand and show you the way to my bed."

Hermes and Herse made love non-stop seven days and seven nights.

Gods of the Olympus, called Hermes, and he had to go at the end of the seven night.

He told to Herse "My morning Dew, wait for me I will come back and swim in your love thought, my wild flower,"

Herse responded "my handsome wise King, I will wait for you. My temple is yours, yours only! I rather die to let any other inside it!"

Hermes left for Olympus....

Time passed and Herse's belly begin to rise...She was now carrying a life inside of her.

A life brought by Hermes...

Time passed and Herse's belly became too big to carry.

One day she had lots of pain and all of a sudden water flow gushing out

from her temple...

finally she was delivering a soul into the world.

She screamed, pained gave a birth to a handsome son.

Hermes will be so happy she thought to herself.

She named her son "Cephalus"

She left the baby on the bed and walked in the palace to find a basket to put the baby in.

As she was looking around, she came by the basket brought by Athena,

which was open...

She thought that Athena must have taken what it is present inside, now I can use the basket for my son.

As she leaned to take the basket she saw the half baby half snake inside the basket and take a step back from the basket because of the fear.

Snake part of the baby alerted by the fast movement attacked quickly and bite Herse in the foot.

Herse poisoned by the snake went insane right at that time.

She started to run aimlessly up to the the hill that climbs to Acropolis.  

  Herse screaming and running aimlessly in agony and madness fell from the cliff...

She died...

Athena had her revenge

but she lost Hermes

Her other half.

She lost to anger, revenge, envy and jealousy 

She lost as a god, She lost her wisdom...

                 King H. Ironson 

(Painting By Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre - Mercury, Herse and  Aglauros 1763)






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