Hello Reader and 's,

I see you that you did not fall for my last Boob's Trap.

Good for you, we started to bond with you....

Though, I support a green world and therefore, green poetry,

So, I use recycled nudes and boob pictures in the blog,

You can look at them with peace of mind in terms of your environmental concerns.

Our blog content is 10% carbon neutral... We are committed to achieve 100% carbon neutral.

The biggest issue is my brain fart which is obviously what you consume (read) and summing up to 90% of the blogs carbon emission. 

Yes, my brain gives me headaches if i don't let these meaningless stuff out..

I used to write on cheap notepads but they finish up so quickly....

Also, trees need to be sacrificed for those notepads...

Now I use the blog, its safer for the environment because now lithium, gold, copper, rare earth metals, plastics, all the things used in electricity production are required to make this blog happen.

Oh I nearly forget to count...huge lands built on desert ecosystems to accommodate cloud servers... 

Very environmental friendly Indeed.. (I am not mentioning career site)

Yes dum dum, to keep your stupid body poses like Instagram photos desert ecosystems are sacrificed...

Just to keep your little highs (likes, follows, bs) that you are addicted to....

What a waste...

Human is the only animal that does not belong to earth ecosystem.


Because all the other animals are in harmony with their surroundings

Except for the humans....

We call destroying of the planet as "CIVILIZATION"

Very constructive and clever indeed...

We all are immersed in this stupidity to our neck!

I wonder when we are going to wake up?

When we have +5 C change in temperatures all of a sudden?

We are like live lobsters in a cooking pot on slow heat!

I suggest all of you that we leave the planet to the cats to rule the earth for a while....

Sorry dogs!

They are more clever...

They should pet us and give food to us like the insects and mice they caught as a pet food.

At least they will feed us with alive things..

Not dead things like we gave them as pet food.

We would have great pool of sand as a toilet.

They will wash us by licking with their sand paper tongues

woah, there goes my skin...

I believe no one would be courageous enough to be nasty,

because your owner cat would give you a good lesson with its razor sharp claws...

I don't even want to think about uncontrolled breeding...

Oh nooooo!!!!

Tragedy of "black balls" part 2.


So, readers as you see...

Since we cannot leave the planet to the cats'

for the sake of our balls;

We need to protect our home!

Instead of like'ing and following "fresh new boobs"

that consume lots of materials and contribute to global warming,

Consume our recycled "boobs" and "nudes" 

that have less carbon foot print...They also comes with terrible poetry...

and some philosophical farts...


(Here is a Recycled Funny Hermes Cat Picture for you ;0 !)

(Brunnhilde -1936 Unknown Photographer)
Image source link is on the photo. 


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