Perfect Day!

 Hello my dear readers,

Last blog I said that "I will finish everything"

in English and in Finnish...

I really finished many things today...

It was a very productive day for me....

I even changed my winter tires and repaired one of the flat tire...

and I want to mention you that I don't have an impact drill...

Like the old days a little bit of elbow grease...

Applied to jobs, walked the dog, blah blah blah...

I even submitted two books to be published....

I will let you know when they are revised and published..

Today I want to tell you about my "perfect day"..

title of the subject I am making an attribution to the 

movie "Trainspotting" and the song "Perfect day" by Lou Reed from the soundtrack.

My perfect day is quite not like the perfect day visualized in the movie...

My perfect day is "like some heroine" from the perspective of the man in the lyrics of  "dancing bare foot" by Patti Smith

"She is benediction

She is addicted to thee

She is the root connection

She is connecting with he

Here I go and I don't know why

I fell so ceaselessly

Could it be he's taking over me

I'm dancing barefoot

Heading for a spin

Some strange music draws me in

Makes me come on like some heroine

She is sublimation

She is the essence of thee

She is concentrating on he

Chosen by she

Here I go and I don't know why

I spin so ceaselessly..."

Songwriters: Patti Smith / Ivan Kral

Its a day that belongs to you, a day of your time is not stolen by anything or anyone..

its only devoted to you, There is only nature...

cheap wine (red) not terrible but with a kick reminding the fist smash on your 

face by a Bukowski poem...Tipsy...enjoyed with a ...good cheese...

some grapes, a pear and the apple of my eye.... 

a spring day... no fancy stuff....honest...joys of life...lying on the earth...

fresh cheeks (from the wine)...watching the clouds pass by...talking big dreams... 

spring breeze...laughter...terrible cream...a kiss, brain freeze, touch of passionate hands

dancing in the public without music, singing in loud voice without the care of being the scene...

world is your oyster, higher than the highest high...."Flying high" lost in deep blue...

Love is,

Dreaming of blue skies, dancing under rain.

                                King H. Ironson

Love is,

A sunny day in a wild flower field.

                                King H. Ironson

                                                      (Both 3 cord poems are From Poetic Investigation on: What love is?)

(Photograph: Pixabay)


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