Rubbles of your future...

 Hello all, bull and null,

I don't know what kind of a day you had today, 

for me it was a rainy spring weekend, 

Rainy days have a special place for me...

I like the rain....

In my native culture rain is accepted as fertility...

It brings fertility to the soil...

Its accepted as divine is washing the earth with love..

The greatest thing is when it rains you can smell fresh earth...

that is the best fragrance you can smell...

I simply love it....

Today I would like to talk about giving up...

Have you ever consider giving up on something you wanted so dearly?

It might be a career path, lifestyle, project, relationship etc.

Let's assume that you come to a certain dead end with your desire and it is certain that there can be no progress...

So the question is would you consider to stick with it or release it and consider something else?

When would be the exact time to accept the defeat and move on?

I would really use some opinion on that....

because really, I don't have an answer on that...

somethings, like this you just have to put in the end of the decision list...

they are heavy, 

they drag you down.

Sometimes in your mind you just want take out your knife to cut away all this dead weight,

so that you can fly to new horizons...

In the last minute you stop...

and continue with the status quo...

yes...we all have a default force in ourselves called "hope"

and it is extremely difficult to kill it...

Lonely day

 It’s the day that you met with the real demons of your past.

It’s the day that you find out the reasons behind your childhood traumas.

It’s the day that you stood still, tall and proud against the discrimination you have faced from a group of people.

It’s the day that you understand what racism is.

It’s the day that you were humiliated by low-life.

It’s the day you felt the heaviness of poverty.

It’s the day you have found out that you were an option all along.

It’s the day that all of the love and healing you gave to your other half was all in vain.

It’s the day that you learned that you need to see a shrink, because all of the reality you mentioned was a creation of your mind and that you should be crazy to think all these scary things.

It’s the day you were pushed into the deep dark void of your mind all alone to face all the terrible things you have experienced earlier.

It’s the day that rained like the heavens broke down.

It’s the day that you felt you can’t even have the option to choose stop existing and had to suck this massif pain because of the people that you loved and cared for depended on you.

It’s the day…. that you learned you have to continue broken…


It’s the day you considered

Killing your hope

Is acceptable

In your


                    King H. Ironson 

                                (From: EPOH)

Yes this one is very dark,

I know, however dear reader, unfortunately life is not always butterfly and sunshine,

you need to know the "bitter" to understand the value of the "sweet"

"Hope" is a miracle 

it keeps you alive in terrible situations...

its your survival "emergency defense"

Hope is your



That you

Need to take

Care everyday.

                  King H. Ironson

                        (From: EPOH)

Hope is really a victorious warrior...

it takes you out from dark

places in your mind...

it takes you out...

it gives you a will power

Grow love

Not hate.

Grow hope

Not fear.

Your dreams

Are bigger

Than, the

Rubbles of

Your future.

                 King H. Ironson

                         (From: EPOH)

of course after you get out from the dark

and create new futures for yourself

on the rubbles of unrealized futures...

than you can kill your hope for those unrealized futures..

you already accepted those as the rubbles!


you still think that this is an easy peasy job



Because when you want to found a new future on the 

rubbles of the past futures..

One finds reminiscent of those unrealized futures...

followed by what if's,,   why not's and sprouting of a new hope of that unrealized future...

So the best way to follow is to close the scene of unrealized future rubbles alone,..

Not to burry 

Not to build new things on it 

instead just to change scenery 

and find a new place to build a brand new future...

leave the rubbles of your unrealized future

like an ancient city that was left by the residents

after an earthquake....

(Illustration: Temple of Minerva Suniade Athens -Sayer Robert 1759)



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