
 Hello reader,

I hope you are having a wonderful spring without the allergies.

Did your nature also started to wake up?

Every spring is a blessing...

If you think that you are very lucky and would live up to your 70s.

You think that you will experience 70 springs in your life time!

Let's rethink this....

You will have very few memories on spring and how valuable it is in your first ten years!

So 60 spring's left that you really experience...

Or... is it even less...

Unfortunately, they are less than that....


Because we tend to immerse ourselves in bullshit things and waste our life with those...

These bullshit things have a large spectrum...

For instance: business, monkey business, depression, life struggles....

You name it....

We all are doing it...

When was the last time you walked under the spring rain?

or walk on the earth bare feet first thing in the spring....

or on the first snow of the winter? (I did!)

The winters we experience are also limited...

Not much,,,,

When was the last time you really enjoyed spring in the nature!!

See everything around you start to become alive again...

Its magic...

Like a fairy visited every creature one night ago and touched them with her magical wand!

Unfortunately, with knowing and with stupid rationale we force ourselves...

We miss the magic....

We lock ourselves in cubical...



For what?

to earn money!

either to survive, or to gather useless material shit that have practically no value....

yes no value!!! We give the values of the things!!!

No one can tell me that gold is more valuable than the air!

I can do without the gold but I cannot do without the air!

Math is simple!!!

Its the same with these kind of experiences as well,

because you will not remember what you bought during your life when you are in death bed,

while your life is flashing back in front of your eyes..

You will not see which dress you bought, or the car you drove....

you will remember and see

how it was to live and be alive...

So, when we consider that 

we spend our life like it has no end,  

at school,  at work, to earn money, at running errands, living in the city...

After many springs lost to all of the above...

probably you will end up with couple of springs that you can enjoy fully.

How sad!

Why we choose to be so cruel to ourselves?

What is the point? Unfortunately, we are doing this collectively...

We make this horrific waste of time and making it a "norm" of the society...

In my opinion,

A person needs very basic things to live a quality life

1. clean air

2. clean water

3. food 

4. a roof or a cave on top of your head

5. one set of clothes to keep you warm.

The rest is not necessary....This is all you need to live a high quality wealthy life!

Less is more...

We make ourselves slaves of the things we are working hard for!

You already have lots of clothes in your closet but working very hard to get a new one because you envy the one that your friend recently bought...

Look here where all those clothes end up!

We miss the magic of life, by sacrificing our time to these useless shit which in the end makes us unhappy, unsatisfied, depressive, envious, addicted 

and  also we kill our world in the process.

We all do this, because its the way its..

Its the only way we know and learned.

Study, graduate, go to work, marry, buy a home, work more, buy a car, have a kid, buy useless shit, teach your kids the same rat race, die...

or is there any other way?

Can we change our lives on our own? 

Just to burry our heads in the sand and imagine that we are experiencing life and pursue our own happiness? within our little bubble...

Maybe, you can do this a limited time and fool yourself that you are experiencing life..

Though, once you really experience beauty, you also feel the responsibility to protect it for the generations to come 

By "generations" I am not only implying the human kind, 

rather all kinds: animal kind, plant kind, fungi kind,


when you are really alive, 

you are kind to all

and all is kind to you!

when you are really alive, 

you are in balance to all

and all is in balance to you!

springs are rare

a real value

delve, live 

don't be late

fly a kite

don't be lame

springs are rare

like a blooming rose

winter is gone

than came the life  

came to me 

once more...

Springs are rare

not as rare 

as love is,

be alive

never miss a chance!

                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Skitter Photo)


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