
 Hello everyone, anyone, no-one and someone,

Today I will talk about Sunday!

its not going to be long...

At one point of time I found myself hating Sunday,

It gave me stress and anxiety

just because I used to work in a very toxic workplace

Depression always started on Sunday morning.

Even though I am not working there anymore,

still I have the same feeling...

I just couldn't neutralize these feelings yet.

It will take some time...

Another, thing I have to overcome is to find someway to earn

money to cover my living expenses,

obviously one cannot earn a lot from poetry or selling books.

I wish that was something possible...Though I need to sell 200 times more books to earn my living this way.

So, this last two Sundays my stress and anxiety is completely different.

I need to pass another week applying to 9 to 5 jobs which I really don't want to do anymore.

Though at this stage it seems I don't have any other option except to find a job asap.

Stress grows as the time passes without income, once you have a limited amount of savings..

Once I used to enjoy Sundays, yes I was working back than 

but I used to enjoy working.

Even though, it means on Monday's I have to wake up very early to get through Big City Traffic Jam.

Sunday's were good. I loved that day..

Especially, when my dad was alive and when I was kid, because back than there was black and white TV with limited number of channels in my native country. 

The highlight of Sunday morning shows was a western movie...

Every Sunday we got to see a new Western....

Later he took me to see different places; like parks, seaside, second hand shops, antique shops, second hand book dealers, fishing etc. 

Look at me now...

Getting anxious on Sunday evening,

Like I still have a toxic job to go on Monday.... 

I like Sun

I like its Day

Its was not Sunday that made me feel bad

nor the job I did

but the toxic people and their low vibrations.

Anyways, currently I still have anxiety 

one way or another 

I will change this!

One step at a time...

Sun does not only shine

Its in thine spine

Sun does not only give light

Its in thine might

Sun does not only give life

It is in thine strife

Sun does not only rise

It is in thine phase

Sun does not only set

It is in thine regret

                    King H. Ironson

(Sun of May on the First Argentine Coin 1813)


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