Hello Dear,

Last night I was not able to write 

because I had a date...

Je t'aime...?

What chance do I have?

Though I am not a jester,

otherwise someone has to write a script to my "tears"

and be a great musician who exchanged his intial capital letter "C"

for "M"....

after all "Carillion" does not sound cool....

and give the impression of "childish" endeavors

which is totally not suited for a band making dramatic progressive rock music...

Also, I have to tell you that my French is terrible...

I am so French to French...

I just cannot relate to French...

Each time I try to learn French I feel so German 

Ja, ich möchte nach Paris kommen, ohne dass du es weißt ...

Nur um dich in einer neuen Stadt zu ficken.

Allerdings möchte ich dort nur Deutsch sprechen, nicht weil ich Deutsch sprechen kann.

Es ist nur die Wut in mir. Es kann nur auf Deutsch gesprochen werden.

Yes this is not a well placed desire in this text...

Sorry...This was said to me by my date...

The one I dated last night...

I had a date with this bitch in Paris as well..

Last night was very hot as well...

She fucked my brains out...

I heard that in order to speak good French...

a French tongue has to touch to your Non-French tongue..

I didn't have that...

but I had the opportunity for many other languages on the tongue department...

In the end it all comes up to how much Punk you are? Tabarnac..

Yes I swear a lot...

I use all the words of a language, I don't do discrimination to them...

A danger

perfect lips to veer 

emerald eyes so clear

bouncy curves hands would cheer

here comes her

a pearl of laughter

play with me lover

you can't take my power

place my heart usher

don't misjudge my character

it won't surrender

understand my chapter

don't try to decipher.

a punk pioneer

light a flame in a chamber

you are specter

and your pain won't trigger

a surrender

bring me winter

and bitter

I am clever

and a winner

my will is proper

you can not murder.

No wonder

I am a dad called father, 

sorcerer and a writer

I bring the summer

and better.

Mercury,  Gold and Silver

I am a master,

my dear reader. 

                                King H. Ironson


This was a poem for my last night's date...

Oh I didn't mentioned who was my date last night

it was with my forever fuck partner


(Photograph: Tove Liu)


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