Bird Feeder

 Hello All,

Feeling better today....

Watched the birds come and go to my feeder...

The sparrows liked it a lot...

One Blue Jay also came to check in

than with an over emphasized eyes a male American Robin came...

It must be curious because my lawn is full of worms which they like a lot....

At this time around 7-8 pm as the sun is slowly setting they stop chirping slowly altogether

there is a time when all became quite, at their nest with their families...

not like the loud bickering of the day time....

At those golden times its the best time to pop up a beer...

and watch the skies changing color....


I have all the amenities for the birds in my backyard, fountain with fresh water, worms, plenty of bush to make nest and seeds (food)...

Birds love my backyard and I love them,

my feeder is couple of meters away from the place I usually sit during the day

even that its so close to me birds are not afraid of me...

The new residents of the back yard are a couple of sterlings, 

they always hang out the cardinals..

male and female are always in very close proximity..

its the mating season after all...

they need to make baby birdies..

I guess I have this thing

that sometimes(always) I am just so blunt...

no filters 


that's me...

can see through 

say what it is 

like a mirror

people find it scary or repulsive I guess..

I can't change me 

that's all I have 

(Photograph: King H. Ironson - My Linden Tree, Bird Feeder and My Poor man's Bonzai) 



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