
 Hello Dear Reader,

It's 12:15 here, I have fell a sleep around 10  and than waked up by 12....

it felt like I was drowning, 

even though I was seeing a cool dream though it was weird..

we were going to a climb with some people whom it felt like I knew them for a long time but in a weird way felt strangers

the people were not the people I used go to climb with...

the people I climbed earlier, the people I entrusted my life with were not them

these people are as if they were them but were not them at the same time

really some kind of fakeness into it which you can tell from the small details

like the way they joke or the way they do things...

The climb was also abnormal 

imagine you have winter clothing and all the gear on you like you are ready to start the entrance of the route...

but instead of starting the climb the face, wall or ridge of the mountain....

the route starts with an elevator in an old building...

you take the elevator to the top floor...

one of your climbing partner says that the view is amazing at the top floor...

it was like he had been in this climb before...

I remember the planning meetings where we talked that how the start of the route is the hardest part with the most exposure..

like really living it and I was there   

and it was really was a great view above the skyline of an old city 

yes an old city....

you can tell it was a very big metropolis before the residents went away...

now it is a skyline of ruined and abandoned buildings, some collapsed 

some retrieved by the plants...

layer by layer human artefacts devoured by nature

you can still tell it was a large city in its peak 

some buildings collapsed onto one another....

the weather was cold

we came to a very windy rooftop...

"as I write these to you I can see the moon on the sky from my couch on my back. Now she is rising above up from the side of the house and setting down on the backside, in winter it rise in the frontage and sets up on the winters and minds frigid temperatures I watched her when she showed her face to me, a reflection of an illumination, a beautiful trickster, my sages were not exposed to sunlight only, moonlight also wised them as well alongside my shine"

in one side of the rooftop you can see the abandoned city in its fullest, the other side there was nothing to see because it contained a collapsed huge building on the roof..

This massive building collapsed on side ways at a weird angle towering to heavens on the roof....

also somehow this collapsed building gave an access to a rock face after one rope length to the side into the void...

there was an exterior metal stairway hanging above us on an angle from the collapsed building... it was going towards  the void ending up with a latch where you can go up and come to the rock face which was an easy 4+/5 in the begining...the rest of the rock route was not visible from the collapsed building...

the roof was blowing with the wind it was cold and hard to breath...

collapsed building and the rock face were covered with ice and snow...

slippery and treacherous...

"I know that there are many things you want to hide  to prevent show case of your reality...the lifestyle you choose to live, the things you did for living, your insecurities, even the contents of your bank account...your limbic brain, the animal you keep inside a gateway to your fears, anxieties and pushing you to do this...."

I waked up gasping for air probably I slept in an unusual position which restricted my breathing...

"....Regardless the realities you choose to hide, I see through you... I am sorry."

when you have already climbed the great fake mountains of the fakeness of your fears, fakeness of the innumerable betrayals, fakeness of fake personas, fakeness of fake bodies, fakeness of fake friendships and fakeness of fake values you arrive to a summit where there is one old man standing with a lantern of the mind...tired...but with a will strong and everlasting standing tall and bright over darkness and over the scam world of dark, knitted with deceit, arrogance and fear...the flame he hold in the lantern is the eternal flame...the flame never dies...its kept alive for generations...its kept alive by the lonely ones...if you arrived there it is your duty to hold and preserve the flame..  

(Illustration: First Ascent of Matterhorn - 1865 by Gustave Dore 1832-1883)


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