
 Hello My Dear,

Its been a while since I can focus

and write to you something decent...

I guess extreme self criticism and  hate is taking over... :)

It happens time to time, I learned how to deal with it...

sometimes, I like the things I write sometime I don't

since our relation is one way and I really cannot consider your opinion in regard to creative purposes.

We are doing the criticism as well...Yes we are.

As in me, myself and I or as in honorable me... ha ha ha...

Yes I don't ask your opinion not that I am an arrogant narcissist 

it is related to creative process and how it has an influence on what is being created

please check my earlier  writings about this in the blog.. Check here for one you can find the rest by reading it out...

I really appreciate your interest but I  am sorry I don't  want to be rude but I am not looking forward for your opinion...

Don't be angry you can still hate me and  tell me how lousy I write...  I am open to all criticism, you can send me...though I am declaring to you that I am not going to read them... 

Though regardless of all critics and opinions....

"dames" please this shouldn't make you stop sending your nudes to me...

My dear readers please don't forget to send me your nudes... (WOMEN ONLY)

these poems are possible with the nudes you send us... 😘💋

So, I was saying to you lately, I have been slacking writing greatly...

probably its because of the concerns and anxieties on looking for 9-5 job 

when you are not certain on what is coming towards you 

it becomes very scary....

I guess we are programmed in someway with these fear of the unknown, instability and lack...

though there is another thing we are programmed to as well curiosity...

these two motherf#ckers has to have some balance in us...

if one is heavier than the other one, 

we simply f#ck up...

for example if curiosity is the dominating force, you will have less fear against unknown, instability, dangers and lack this will give you more risk but presents you with more opportunities...

if the fear is the dominating force over curiosity than you will have less instability, unknown, dangers and lack in your life but you miss more opportunities and thrill of risks...

there are many other forces like these that came in opposites...

when you learn to convert these natural forces to one another at your will

you turn into a some kind of master...

it gives you some kind of freedom...

though even you know how these operates you can still have these different forces dominating one another and creating inbalance and problems...

the key is to know when the balance is disturbed...

to know this you need to know the balance....

"know thy self"

this can only start by visiting your mind as a tourist in a "archeology museum"

taking pictures here and there documenting and reading the small labels of 

the dark and bright entries of your life....

not with self love nor with self hate...

like you are a stranger to yourself...

Like as I am King though I am visiting the museum of my mind as a Gobbler on vacation

imagine he has been brought to this museum with the force of his wife, 

not interested at first but his thirst increased as he saw his wife didn't found what she was expecting in the museum..

just to bug his wife all of a sudden he got more interested...checking every display in great interest and joy...

I know it might not be easy thing to do 

but if you can do that...

you will know you


you will know your balances over certain forces...

These tours require building up of humility...

pick this force over the "arrogance" and "pride" in your daily life

put it in your meditation routine....

Inhale "humility" ex-hail "pride" & "arrogance"

this will help you to see your real truth in the museum of your mind

see good things there

as well as the horrific things 

you don't want to see as well

these good and bad things

things with opposite ends

makes up where you are right now...

your truth will be clearer in your mind...

Check the foreword of my book "About you"



You are the one




Tower of


    King H. Ironson

        From "About You"

(Photograph: James Frid)


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