My Wish

 Hello Dear Readers,

Today is the garage sales day...My sons favorite day...

He makes some money by selling the old stuff and junk at home so he can raise money for 

his dream for buying a gaming computer...

yes we all have dreams young and old...

some of us dream of a car,

some a house, some a home

when we want something so dearly 

actually we made it happen over time

a bit by bit...

we get closer each day if we keep wanting it 

but sometimes things we want don't want us

if you want a house probably you will get it if you want it a lot

but, it doesn't mean that you will have a home in the end.

you may want to have a life partner and and you will get a life partner if you want that a lot

but, it might not mean that you will have a happy loving relationship in the end

So. dear reader when you want stuff make it clear on what you desire and watch for it 

when life presents your wish to you...

because the things you wish most of the time presents themselves in very unusual ways...

you might miss your chance if you are not aware...

My wish, my wish

you sneaky fish,

put on your leash

I beg you don't swish!

My wish, my wish

you sneaky fish,

take my want and polish,

not the people of Poland it would be oddish!

My wish, my wish

you sneaky fish,

I want to cherish

my wish please don't perish!

My wish, my wish

you sneaky fish,

I came to cash

the things I wanted in a rush.

what is this  trash?

Oh my wish, my wish

wash this trash

let me ravish

another chance, to refresh

my wish, my wish

I am not selfish

thought of others as well in my wish

my wish, my wish

I am not foolish

refurnish my wish, 

full of love, hurry rush,

nourish my hearts desire

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)


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