
 Hello Dear Reader,

I guess you didn't like the nude I shared yesterday....

Good good, you are freeing yourself from the bʘʘb trap..

Today I will talk about you Prometheus...

the story of "the flame" gifted to humans

Lets hear about it...

(Sorry for the writing errors.. I will read and correct tomorrow

or maybe I will leave it as the way it is...Lets see)

because after we received the flame 

we were a new species we were not human creatures anymore

of course I am referring to the ones that are aware of the flame 

Prometheus was a Titan...

a mischievous one as well.

he was very smart and yet he was good hearted..

he always took the side of the week ones among the creatures...

Titans were huge, they were among the first created beings on the planet.

Their parents were the Sky and Earth...

Titans came to being in the primordial earth...

They were conscious beings and they had the will to create...

they thrived and prospered as the earth is populated with other creatures..

Some of the creatures were their creation..

The first twelve titans mated and their offspring created other titans and other privileged titans who call themselves as the Olympians.

These Olympians later created their own kingdom on the summit of  Mount Olympus and considered themselves superior than the other titans and the creatures that came to life on the earth..

Prometheus is of the humble titans, he did not have the arrogance and pride like the ones on the Mount Olympus.

He also did not have the envy and rage of the other Titans toward the arrogant Olympians.

He gave an equal value to all living things small or big...

Olympians and other Titans were in clash and fighting one another...

because Olympians wanted to dominate the rest...

It is not clear where the Olympians find this entitlement?

Prometheus was in between...

His best friend was Atlas the quite and burden carrier...

Heart and mind of Prometheus is closer to him...

He also silently carried the burden of living creatures and felt the responsibility for the war between the Olympians and the other Titans..

Don't get me wrong he already had his own opinion but he was choosing to get along well with all sides...

Some people has to be wise in times of war and great need...

Peace is made by these kind of men...

Their story extend beyond horizons, generations and recorded into the ever flowing rapid waters of universal knowledge...

Zeus of the Olympians whom was the most powerful of them all and the one in charge in Mount Olympus.

One day Zeus thought to create a new creature so that they can worship to the Olympians and to him.

He wanted to found the steps why they should be considered as entitled among the rest of the Titans..

Olympians were actually faulty Titans...

Don't get me wrong their bodies were healthy

the fault was in their characters.

See initial titans and some of the other titans who are the offspring's of the first twelve titan that came to be, had special powers...

Each of the titans had a superpower that were given to them as their birth right...

The offspring of these titans therefore either have another new superpower or a mixed superpower...

With time these superpowers are also manifested themselves but also created serious character faults...

just like the character flaws of the great arrogant Olympians.

Lets return to our story...

Zeus, with the thought of creating worshipers whom can provide them with the God entitlement

and a great toy for all the Olympians to play and enjoy thought how he can achieve this creation..

see the Zeus had powers but the powers he had was not suitable to achieve such creation...

He can burn stuff, frighten other creatures  and win fights with his lightning power 

but the only creation he might make is nitrogen rich fertilizer which he can produce if he shoot his thunderbolt on the soil.

So with the thought how he can achieve this creation task, he remembered Prometheus..

One day, the most prideful Olympian Zeus, came to Prometheus..

He came to him because he never opposed the Olympians like the other Titans...

He was calmer, also he was wise and very crafty...

Zeus said to Prometheus, "Oh Prometheus the craftiest of all the Titans, I know you don't fight the Olympians"

"You are wise.."

"I know you don't enjoy this fight any more than I do"

"I know if you would do anything to stop the war"

"All we need is another creature to balance everything"

"We need creatures to worship us and decide whom will be superior to one another"

"Prometheus, only such creatures can end this conflict between brothers"

"Wise and crafty Prometheus, only you can create such creatures from the earth and water whose gave life to us as well"

Prometheus listened Zeus silently nodding...

He knew "silence is gold" 

He knew that the great power is made with "silence"

just like the Sun.

if the words which try represent the "reality" they are going to be tricky like the moon

they are like silver...they shine but they are not truth and power like the gold or the Sun.

Words only represent implemented portion of the reality to them 

They hold power yes...

They hold reality yes...

However partially...

words cannot represent the reality like the Mercury whom directly fed from the source

and transfer the wise and power in a fluid form.

 He responded with one word " I will" 

he did not responded without thinking.. He did not shared his opinion he just responded on what would be right to do according to himself and the great laws of Universe,

Although, Prometheus said yes..

In his mind he was aware that the intention of the Zeus is to have the upper hand...

However, he also saw this as a great idea to end this nonsense war...

Also, he was aware that earth needed more creatures to care for her...

Zeus thought to himself "this went well and quickly"

He responded back "Good to hear Prometheus, I know that you will be helping me"

"Bring the creature of your creation to the Mount Olympus"

Zeus left Prometheus and went to Olympus.

Prometheus thought that he need to find a way to create a creature which have their own destiny and which have the power of will and choice....

Otherwise, Olympians and other Titans would abuse these worshiping creatures to their will

Prometheus knew how to make a creatures which reproduce, walk the earth and fear from the other creatures and titans..

However, he cannot make a creature with destiny, will power and choice...

For a creature to have these unique powers, the creature needs to be conscious and aware...

This require the essence of being a titan...

The essence of being a titan is to have the eternal flame

All the titans have the eternal flame...Each of them have a will, choice and destiny among their unique powers and immortality..

This flame can make you a servant of light or servant of the false light

latter one is the dark....

the masters of the flame know this very well...

the will, choice and destiny 

begins with a duality,

its the initial choice that creates an unconstructed futures upon your destiny...

each different decision adds up and make up your will and destiny

as you go you become a creator...

a former of futures that will happen or futures that will not happen...

All choices created equally and came to being...

When you make the choice, universe of unmade choice cease to exist...

this was a godly property to give to a creature...

Prometheus knew that if he ever does this all the titans including the Olympians would be very angry to him...

He made up his mind.. He will do this...

He knew that there was no other way except for this one to provide a balance to the earth and to the bickering titans.

He can create a creature just like titans but a smaller one and without the immortality and unique powers..

He already created these creatures, 

he called them human creatures...First he made them unisex...

He thought that they could split into half and propagate that way...

then he changed his mind...

He created a flower on their head for propagation...

Later he considered that these creatures have legs and he needs to find a new method of propagation.

He made two kinds of these creatures... He thought I am going to make them in two parts which will always look up for their other parts.. 

One of the type of creature he made he took up lots of time...

He put lots of hills and plateaus, he take the Mount Elbrus and Kazbegi in consideration when making the hills that stand next to one another. Very gentle curve unless they are erupting... Also, one of the hill was slightly smaller than the other...They stood next to one another like two peaches waiting to be hold, squeezed gently. 

Prometheus, thought "I always wanted to put my head in between these hills, probably the other type of this creature I am creating is going to want the same thing" 

Prometheus thought these volcano mountains are going to feed the offspring's of this creature just like the earth is being fed by the eruptions of the volcano..

Down the great curvy mountains Prometheus made a giant valley that ends up with a cave 

that have a small entrance and a big void inside..

He thought new offspring's of this creature will grow up here until they are strong and can be fed from the eruptions of the volcano...

Just like the earth is giving life to all creatures...

He created the first human creature with things he adored on earth...

except the fear...

he added lots of fear..

Otherwise these creatures will not worship and he would not be able to create the balance.

he ended up with a beautiful women...

Later on he continued with the other half of the creature

but he ran of the material....

he cannot make large mountains....

Instead he made one very pointy hill between the legs..

He put the remaining fear to the other species it was not as much fear as he used in women...

Now the man was ready...

Though these man and women started to worship him immediately 

however, they were not any different than other animals...

they started to sniff one another asses..

before any accident happened Prometheus locked these creatures in different cages so that they wont produce new offspring before he gave them will power, choice and destiny..

So their mind has to be extended...

That will be the tricky part...

because it required the flame...

And flame can be only created by Hephaestus and Olympian Titan that have the "flame" and who can create flame...

The problem was that none of the Olympians would agree to share the flame with other creatures..

He plotted a scheme....

He has to steal the flame from Mount Olympus...

First he created a very beautiful golden apple...

He wrote "for the most beautiful goddess of all" on it...

He filled his bag with the golden apple and a head of human creature he carved roughly from the earth with a hollow core....

He climbed Mount Olympus, when he came to the great hall there was no one around...

Probably still sleeping in their chambers passed by Dionysus wine and love of  Venus

He put the apple in the middle of the hall without anyone seeing and moved to the chamber of Zeus..

Eyes of Zeus were shined with his own plot when he saw Prometheus..

Zeus said "Prometheus welcome, did you do what I asked of you?"

Prometheus responded "Yes Zeus, I have created a creature called Human, I brought you its head"

"if you like them I will allow them to propagate!"

Than he took out the hallow human head and handed to Zeus

Prometheus continued "Zeus, this is the head of human creature, they are like Titans but smaller, they are fearful. They don't have any of the powers titans have."

As Zeus was investigating the hollow head screaming voices came from the hall...

All the Goddesses were having a catfight in the hall....

They were fighting over a golden apple...

Each was yelling I am the most "Beautiful"

as they yell... their curves were all around as for the proof of beauty...

It was such a sexy sight...Bosoms, curves, valleys and mountains ready to erupt were all around, encircled with erected penises of male Olympians watching them with pleasure..

Zeus handed the head to Prometheus smiling in a dirty way and without hesitation to join the great show...

Prometheus used this to sneak in the chamber of the Hephaestus..

Open his cabinet take the flame and placed inside the hollow hand he was holding in his hand.

He closed the cabinet...

From outside flame was not visible in the human head..

He sneaked back to behind Zeus..

Nobody, noticed...

Idiot gods were amazed by couple of  goddess bʘʘb..

Olympians took the bate of  the "bʘʘb trap"

Prometheus tapped the shoulder of Zeus 

Zeus turned back to him

his mouth was salivating and his erect penis was not happy about this intrusion..

Prometheus said "if you are happy with this creature I will reproduce them"

Zeus without thinking said "yes, please do that! now please excuse me!"

He returned back to watching the cat fight...

Prometheus sneaked back to earth from Olympus...

When he returned to its place on the high plateau of Mount Kazbegi

he found out that the male escaped from the cage and made love with the female...

now there were many human creatures around...

They are all dumb, fearful and hairy...

In here you might say, how that happened in such a quick time...

Yes it can happen reader

as you know the time is relative

The time of titans and human creatures are way different

In comparison, one blink of an eye of a titan is a century for a human creatures,,,

Oh no he said to himself...

Than he said to himself "Murphy law no 1. Shit Happens!"

He choose the most hairless and most beautiful of the human creatures among the many offspring already produced..

He thought to himself "if this creatures really excel one day in expanding their mind, they can maybe discover that the remains of these hairy creatures were their ancestors.."

"than he thought probably they will be so disappointed, I am sure most of them would not agree with this discovery and will not believe they were initially created as hairy creatures"

"I am sure the person who is going to discover that will be humiliated big time" 


Prometheus took out the flame...

Flame was like something like mercury...It burned it was yellow and red but it wouldn't burn your hand...

It needs to constantly fed with knowledge, love and light if you want a destination on lighter path in your time on earth...I don't need to imply what would happen if you feed it with darkness (vice versa)...The flame gave will, the mind, the choice and destiny to the human creatures...

If they can master the flame "human creatures" would turn to "human beings" 

this will give them the weapon against the abuse of the Olympian Gods and Titans whom they are doomed to fear..

Prometheus first took the women human creature and dropped a flame inside her head..

A special place he carefully placed inside the head, right between and behind the eyes,

though as Prometheus was dropping the flame to the woman human creature a very small drop also

dropped on the eyebrows of human creature..


Prometheus did not recognized it!

That's the way our eyebrows gained her own mind and have say in life of a human woman...

Than he picked up the man human creature and take the flame and dropped inside his head,

though as Prometheus was dropping the flame to the man human creature a very small drop also

dropped on the human creatures penis. 


Prometheus did not recognized it!

That's the way penis gained his own mind and  have say in life of a human man... 

He put the human creature man and women to propagate...

The man and woman produced many offspring they were clever and Prometheus taught them how to use the mind...

how to keep the flame burning..

human beings prospered 

they, followed light

they, loved one another

they, pushed the darkness 

they kept the flame alive

They prospered they built a large nation an Island nation

when all the other world was populated by monkey like human creatures

this island nation was living in the space age...

they moved the large stones..

they have built large temples devoted to the flame and the Prometheus...

they named themselves Atlanteans..


they were the first human beings on the earth

For a while Olympians thought that the hairy human creatures were worshiping them

because they feared from the Olympians because the Olympians were making all kinds of 

cruel shows of power to receive worship and inflict complete fear upon them...

Although, the hairy human creatures feared and worshipped all the Olympians and the Titans equally..

as of our Prometheus they did not feared nor worshipped him because he was not making shows of power and inflicting fear on them...

Instead he was helping the human creatures to give them food and help them with the all the disasters other gods were causing...

Human creatures were bringing the things that they liked a lot to Prometheus because he was not like the other scary gods with mighty powers...

As of Atlanteans they were out of the radar of the Olympians..

For Atlanteans there was only one god Prometheus 

a symbol of love and light...

They loved him greatly and deeply...

The Atlanteans exceled in every art and science because of the godly gift they received from Prometheus.

They have made shrines and temples devoted to the flame and the Prometheus so that they were able to teach their younger generations of the light and love...

Atlanteans lived longer life's in comparison to human creatures...

Because when you can keep the little flame alive in your mind it gave you a longer life...

just like the titans...

Flame enabled Atlanteans to control time to a certain level that is why compared yo human creatures they have enjoyed 100 times longer life span than them...

they turned into small gods to the human creatures as well..

but of the good ones not the mean ones like the ones from the Mount Olympus....

It didn't take long time for the Olympians to discover the flame was stolen from Hephaestus...

also it didn't take too long for Olympians to discover the Atlanteans and the temples they built for the Prometheus..

Of course this time we are talking about the time considering the Olympians and Titans....

because for human beings generations passed and for human creatures ages passed...

for instance now the human creatures some of them were living in the caves making tools to hunt...

they were about to discover the agriculture by the help of  Atlanteans...

The Olympians understood that this is the job of Prometheus....

they got so Angry to him....

Olympians led by Zeus trapped Prometheus one day...

chained him....

Zeus than said "You sneaky, mischievous Titan scum, you will pay handing our consciousness to the mortals"

"I will make you learn the value of our consciousness by making you loose it everyday!" 

"You will regret the heresy you did every day in your immortal life"

"You will look up to those Mountains that you like a lot and loose consciousness every other day for eternity"

Than he told Hephaestus to take the chained Prometheus to the Cliffs looking towards the Mount Kazbek and Elbrus and chained him to the cliffs...

Zeus also ordered two Eagles to go and eat the liver of Prometheus every day when the sun moves to the top until the evening....

Poor Prometheus every morning wake up with a great pain and see the great  bʘʘb's of Gaia just to comprehend for a little while until the eagles come and eat his liver and take his consciousness away...His liver is healed until the morning with a great pain...he gains his consciousness for a brief period of time just to live the same horror again...

As of Atlanteans wrath of Olympians came by the hand of Poseidon...

Their island, nation and all their knowledge, arts and science is swept away by the giant floods...

some of them survived the flood 

they stayed alive to keep the flame alive

for the generations to come....

they mixed up with the human creatures

slowly taught them to make their own civilizations

they gave the teaching from one ear to the another


in plain sight...

as generations passed they lost their long life 

as they intermixed with human creatures

and as the flame inside them got more diluted...

every generation following the light and love 

lost its real purpose and meaning...

because Words only represent implemented portion of the reality to them

as the ages passed new meanings ascribed to them...

these words shined like the moon shined

like the silver shined

but the sun and the gold they represented

lost to most of the human creatures...

So my dear the main theme of the story

tells you even the gods cannot escape from the

bʘʘb's trap....

Also, wearing Greek sandals don't make a Goddess

more Goddess...

Only not falling into traps like the "Golden apple"

make you Goddess a better one though...

This can be achieved by taking the path of 

light and love. 

(Painting: Prometheus Liberation 1864 by Carl Bloch 1834-1890)

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