Proud Wounds

 My Dear Reader,

I know many of you have problems...

I know that many of you think that those problems are huge and unsolvable,

Believe me its going to pass...I know it is easier said than done...

but try to focus on the beautiful things in life...

As I can see you reading my it means you are looking to get out of the dark...

I know that your soul is bright...and there is a flame burning deep inside you which enlighten 

the darkness you are in for whatever reason...Please focus on that, try to grow it...

One day these dark days will be over and I am sure 

you will help the others when you see them..

You will hold the arm of the people who fell and tell them stories about the hopeful futures...

and those futures they can reach with their inner flame...

Please know that our bodies on this beautiful earth are mortal take care of it...

and live as much as you can...but your soul....that is immortal...

wish and do only the best things for your soul....

even if you are tempted with pride, arrogance, vengeance, revenge  

just let go....of them...

instead of wishing bad things for the people or situations whom put you in that position...


try to see the experience...learn from it...

don't be ashamed of showing your wounds

those are the main experiences making you,


before trying to love others 

first learn to love yourself 

with all your imperfections

know that the thing you call imperfections are things that don't belong to you...

instead they are false perceptions of ideas of a society impregnated to your mind...

they are prejudices, they are faulty ideas of aesthetics, they are faulty ideas on creativity...

these terrible negative ideas spread like a wildfire

don't be the one who spread these biased opinions...

be someone who says..."This is only your opinion"

"it represent one opinion among many others"

"I don't have to put my self into molds that does not align with my soul"

(Photograph: Ron Lach)


Please let me know if you have a brilliant book ideas

currently I am working on Ancient Greek Classics..

Share your great ideas from the mail.


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