test pilot

 Hello Dear Readers,

Today it will be our third meeting,

I have worked a lot today,

it was a fruitful day...

I hope you had a good day as well...

in regards to this small endeavor of my feeble poetic/literature attempt

I feel like a "test pilot"  riding an unstable new aircraft.

It always feel like the craft I am riding is a tin can with strong jet engines..

the kind you get on the ride for the thrill of it!

too much risk with very small success margin...

All or nothing...

A "Russian Roulette" of literature...

an experiment, a region of literature creation...

to place words in places that no body has placed before...

an unknown domain in literature...

you are writing the rules as you go along...

simply like paving the road to the horizons of new literature with lousy words

that no one has placed before...

this is one of the reasons I have to take this journey alone...

I am trying to discover 

the real power of the words...

Not considering them as the traded commodities of the authors of our day...

to see the "real"

first you need to find your "real"

than you can find the "real" in other people or other things

like "words"

vessels of knowledge

carriers of information

this is not an attempt to write anything that is not written or not known before...

all the word combinations all the possibilities of  letter combinations can be produced by possibilities, iterations or by pure mathematics.

therefore we can say that, we can create a machine/computer software that can write all the possible word combinations and letter combinations in such ways that you can produce all the written books and the books that would be written in the future if you eliminate the hoard of gibberish ones...Just like the concept brought by the short story "The Library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borge

or the concept brought from the ancient times that; "Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus is the one responsible for writing all the written knowledge and information..." ever known by the human kind...

the words carry knowledge

they are the immortal seeds that carry knowledge and information 

throughout the centuries..

the question is: how can you create a literature work that is devoid from the concepts explained above?

 my idea is the ultimate creation of "authentic" literature work lies in the "real meaning" of the words and the word combinations you create

if you can bend, twist the meaning of the words in such a way and use them in word combinations

that the "real" meaning of the words and their occurring combinations produce such a meaning that is not expected by the "real" meaning provided with those words...

creating new words from the known words with new "real" meanings that made a "coup d'état"

 of meanings in the literature...

A rebellion of "words"

creating new magic

with old magic..

an awakening....

Royalty comes from

Wisdom of a rebel.

Being Rebel


Being Royal.

You will wear


When you choose to

Walk against

What society

Dictates upon you!

You will be royal

When you choose to

Walk with

What you are made off. 

                                        King H. Ironson


You can say there are many new movements in literature..

where does your move stand...

it stands just on the "einsturzende neubauten" of the literature.

This German description is of course selected on purpose...

Its one of my best favorite bands of all times...

(Photograph: Rudy and Peter Skitterians) :)


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