Hello Dear Reader,

Last two days I don't feel very good

Really I cannot pinpoint the reason why

I feel so uneasy, even though I get my sleep

It feels like I can sleep for 24 h.

Feel like a semi-solid substance

like when you put on some rigid ground I am going to slowly 

loose my shape and turn into a puddle of substance

like a pitch tare

very viscous yet fluid

sticky, fluid but like solid

like a 



A gang of ravens scared of the birds they are hanging in my garden...

they ran away when I came to backyard...

they even scare the squirrels 

all the sparrows are hiding because of them

even they scared the robins away..

If I sit under the gazebo ravens run away and all the other birds come and use the fountain and the feeder..

So I will sit in the backyard for the small birds...

I can feel from their chirps the small birds especially the sparrows are so frustrated..

little rascals I love them...

don't get me wrong I like the ravens as well 

but they are too much domineering to the other birds and creatures in the backyard...

Here some sour  Kraken Poetry...

In hush where there on feces

On tall or wine worms

On hospitability sin hour tenses

Mend tar has pot...sour paddle, gong. 

                                      King H. Ironson              

Or call frond met

Lust man cold hence

Saps sin hat slaps

Rot should fell a cart

Is eye owe very may

Sass tour nay

Cut ever stomp

Is end soughts

Pope yeah hour there eat

Hike a tale sell apart

Lease pome race

Pale hemp guild bate

Game nerd verge

So might for hay

                King H. Ironson

No pall surround me

Rust sane cold hence

Saps sin them lads

Who should sell a vart

In sea young very lay

Sap pour year yay

Shut ever stone

I sin laughs

Hose sour wear pear shit

Slime at tare well shard

At ease torn home

Gape hell cum where

Plead err guide hate

Sand submerge

Foot height say.

                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Bru-nO)



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