Cheers to a Gloomy Day

Cheers Readers, My Heart Bitters and Lovely Freckles,

Yes Cheers Indeed

to a gloomy new day of living...

Take a deep breath 

release your Kraken's (Farts - Brain and Body)

Cleanse your body (Wash your face, body, pee, take a poop)

Love yourself (hold your BʘʘB's, touch yourself....🔥 ) 🚒🚒🚒

Enjoy yourself and Enjoy the day...

;) What else you are going to do?

Anyways, after you have enjoyed your meditation 

and exercised your serpent

do something that you have not done before...

experience something new

anything counts for example walking barefoot on the earth, dancing under rain,

kissing a stranger on the cheek and saying "everything will be ok, keep on going, you are a good person"

the latter one might even get you a bonus new experience 

"a slap on the face" :)

you should still laugh though...

Once I came by someone that do daily routine of "sunbathing of their a..hole in the desert"

She mentioned great benefits of what she is doing..

Actually, I did not understand how your a..hole which is designed to be always under the shade of 

the body would react in a beneficial way to the sunlight...?

Felt like to me more like closing the only exit of the "evil spirits" with light...

we will probably see and learn from this individual weather there is a health benefit or an ailment related to over exposure of a..hole to sun light without sunscreen...

watch out the 2nd page news with the keyword "...lady sunbathing her a..hole...' 

dear reader moderation is required in every experience so you protect your soul, mind and container...

life is a game of balance and moderation....

excessive things takes you to good or bad outcomes faster but at a greater cost...

it might be ok to sunbathe your a..hole every once in a while but I don't recommend you doing it everyday...😂

if you ever learn the great art of a..hole sunbathing call me... I want to watch and learn how you do it!









Sorry I was just trying to visualize the scene in my mind..

yes, yesterday basically I slacked.. 

today we will see what the day will bring besides a boner...

enough with the lark

today it mark

how you bark

at my spark

you lousy shark

with a mind so dark

go look inside your park

a journey to light you should embark

this would be my final remark

with the last bit of my spark

                    King H. Ironson

(Image:  AI)


Whenever you want to cheer up

visualize the specialized sun bathing

in your mind.. It might cheer you up!

Have a bright day!


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