Hello Germany, Hello Netherlands and Hello Freckles and Hello Dear Reader,

I am confused...

Please help me understand I am not here to offend anyone....

Please know that I may get inspired from people, things, places

I met, saw, touched in particular point of my life... can be even you...or an old...lover....or a person that I liked

someone I saw on the social media....or a cat of someone....

for a while I was imagining how would it be to be the cat

of someone I saw in the social media....

so writing things from the perspective of that fur ball...

its a very cute black cat....

I love cats....

dogs, birds, bears, fishes, squirrels, ants, all the animals....and lets not forget plants, funghi as well

I love to give a voice to them....

especially with domestic animals and pets if you make a connection with them 

they gave you the purest kind of love...

anyways for a while I have been writing like I was this black cat 

who lives with a very beautiful bombshell blonde with blue eyes...

so all the meows and purrs were about this

I am not sure where this cat and owners lives but I guess somewhere in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark around that region..

although, I don't know this person I am writing about her cat...I don't know the cat as well...

of course if you read the blog Meows and purrs and writings of strange kind

you won't be able to tell who they are... 

but I started to suspect that they are following this blog as well...

because I know that I have a reader of the blog from that region 

of course I don't have the information who the readers are but I can see from which regions I have the readers

whenever I post something about the things from the cats perspective this account of the cat and the person gets into private mode from the public mode..

if its the case

I don't want to make any discomfort...I am sorry...

have a wonderful life with your cat...🙏

pet it for me please...😻

 and I have to admit Freckles look good on you...

after this 

lets return to other imaginary realms we delve into, reader...

we will be inspired by many humans and inspire many humans...

humans on their journey of being.

a black cat is who I am

I like the boobs and purrs

my owner loves me as I am

and I love her and her fishes

I catch her mice bam

enjoy her hands on my furs

my owner she is a beauty glam

she is my only star among many stars

don't get me wrong I am poet and a cat scam.

                                  King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Thomas Ritter - Pixabay)

Cheers to my inspirations
if I write about my ghost does it make me a ghost writer?



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