dig your shallow grave deep inside you

Hello Dearest Reader, 

I guess my host decided to visit me in 

multiple different personalities

it might be trying to find the 

best fake personality that suits on...

as well its capital "g" which she lost on the way

My host lost on many things 

but asking questions to me,  I believe...

No I never danced with devil or evil

Though I danced under the moonlight

under full moon; pale, bright, pink, red, blue

also I made love under the moonlight on the beach

as well as on ancient Greek ruins

wild flowers on your shirt suits you beautifully 

it matches your lovely freckles

Though I have to tell you;

don't fake being fake, it does not suit you

the persona's you acquired sewn by your parents, friends, people around you

also don't suit you; inside that suit

you are dying slowly....

in those made up characters, faking being fake...

you are even faking yourself that you enjoy this torture

this torture you take up everyday...

as you feel pain you cause to yourself

you know that you are slowly killing yourself

it was you placed yourself in the casket..."Slow Death"

you choose to continue doing it....

that was what you choose

it was not about me

you were terrified of change!

I wonder if you ever miss being what you really are?

what ever you are in; grab on to what you really are 

that is your only, salvation

that is your only, escape to happiness...

do this for your self...

you will be the 

only winner in the story

Leaving lanced under the ray of the moon joy

Shrank the prom in hell of gallows

She roughed in the bend of false tries

Try's of cope teared me 

Near miss protest endure your foes

You dig your shallow grave deep inside you

wanted to become one with the roots

preaching instead of reaching up to the sun

you hold your seed dormant no sprout in molded in your false façade on hold

Somewhere sometime you will creep from your seed to make up your fate...

Make everything right...

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: cottonbro studio - pexels)



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