
 My Dearest Readers,

Today is very rainy, here I made my meditation under the rain under gazebo,

it was tranquil, birds were quite...

humid and a little bit chilly...

all my birdies were hiding under the leaves soaked with rain....

the earth needed this rain...the soil and plants were so dried up lately,

it will be  good for the soil...

I began the day by dropping my cub to his school..

normally he goes himself with his bike..

Because he is so sweet mini me, I didn't want him to melt on his way to school...

after that I made my meditation and had my breakfast..

now I am listening to news and writing to you...

today I'm stuck inside....the book sales are going terribly,

I have not sold a single unit in the last 4 days :(

little bit exhausted from the stagnation 

"the won't" part of my brain is taking hold on me sometimes

because of the stagnation, it dominates "the will" part of my


its not easy to bring the I will and I won't together

I won't constantly thinks logically giving away the reasons 

why I should stop doing things, 

its a safety fuse..

but if I give the power to "won't" stagnation takes over

on the other hand "I will" wants to do everything all at once without thinking

if I give him all the power it will take me to situations that would

put me in terrible and vulnerable positions

I have to walk in the interface of "won't" and "will"

because there are things that I want.

my reader, like everything in the universe 

we are governed by duality,

we are the small representation of what is above...

and what is below

"as above, so below - as below, so above"

the fabric of everything


having a vibration or not

this is reflected into the being of everything

so it all ends up to "1" and "0"

a binary code

does it resemble anything to you?

if the universe is came to be by a dual force

are we experiencing a complex program?

if soo...

can we change the program being a part of the program?

we managed to code AI that can write codes...

so we can too....

this tells you that 

reprogramming your reality and time is more than likely!

we can bend and change the reality we perceive... 

it's all in your head


Every opposite and

Every variance

Have an


That’s where,




That’s where,




     King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson - Interface)

NOTE litter box needs fresh sand!
PS: I hid your sock under the bed.
you don't need glasses to see
what your heart already knows!





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