My dearest tomorrow

 Hello My Dearest Readers,

Last evening I fell a sleep around 9 pm and slept until 2 am then went to sleep again until 6.30 am...

its just like whenever I put my head to a pillow, I sleep instantaneously...

My body is pushing me to sleep...

feels like I need to sleep to grow....

even though I am not tired and didn't do too much physical activities...

there is this great urge and need to sleep

also I see weird dreams as I sleep

have this weird energy 

weird vibe...

I cannot pinpoint exactly what it is

it doesn't feel good or bad

its neutral not a bad depressive feeling or a joyful hysteria

its like the sense of something is changing at a foundation level

a feeling of change, a shift but not sure what kind....

its like I am expanding and cannot fit to the container that I am in

a feeling of tightness, and sprouting

the dream I saw was like that as well

it was like I had a miniature life in a glass jar and it was growing and growing

but it was constrained by the container

it wanted to go out and expand further, 

expand limitless, but it was limited....

it was limited by its container....

I guess I have the feeling of being fitted in a small container 

it just gave me a feeling that even after I get out from this container

I will not be able to get back inside it

because as I grow I transformed into something I was not before...

as I was breaking the container by expanding

which was painful yet very releasing and relieving the glass was 

breaking and cutting and slashing my meat as I expand

I was bleeding all over yet getting my being out...

free from an invisible prison...

just like hatching from an egg

or getting out from your cocoon..

more painful though...

I woke up around 2 am with this 

breathing heavily and heart racing...

drink a glass of water and get back into 

sleep to continue seeing the dream again

I wanted to get over with it.

and also there was this envelope for

me with a weird look

you can understand from the looks of it 

that it contained an important information..

couldn't see the dream again...

but I just didn't want to wake up as well

I hardly woke up readied my son for school, send him on his school,

meditated than wrote this to you...

don't blow

go start grow

don't settle for low

expand beyond glow

don't ask me how

it is in your now

don't be slow

fly like an arrow

don't hide in shadow

expose pure as snow

don't breed sorrow

seed's of hope you should sow

my dearest fellow

pride and ego you had swallow

leave your pain, outgrow

open your heart free as a sparrow

My dearest tomorrow

I await you so mellow

go rest on your pillow

pain and bleed inflow

as you upgrow

freedom is my final meow.

                        kING h. iRONSON 

(Photograph: Szabolcs Toth)

I just got a mail from the school
a car hit to the lady who is helping the children to cross the road!
I hope she will recover soon..
Please be very careful driving in the vicinity of schools and residential areas!
Please don't speed!
Be aware!


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