My Toes

 Hello Dearest Reader and Freckles,

As things said becomes less and less

it means the poison is wearing off

the thing with the snakes is that

once you get used to their venom

they loose their scare 

with those small fangs

just like teeth of a cat 

just a little bit sharper

though cats also have razor sharp claws Meow....

so I would worry fucking around with cats 

instead of snakes....

when I say snakes it reminded me of snacks..

Canada is great on snacks especially chips and weird and creative flavors "Ketchup" for instance

I wish there were things that I know better about you as well freckles

unfortunately the things that I know related to you are the things that I made up in my mind

for instance I have been thinking that you have similar character like my toes but we have a similar feet anatomy...

my feet have toes that are so close to one another, they don't want to get away from one another, I believe they have abandonment issues..

also they like to slowly to dig their way inside of the sand 

or stand on earth, in water and on snow whenever they got the chance

they are really adventurous..

they have their unique way to wear the flip flops 

they crawl their way slowly towards that vicious strap that is going to separate them...

"abandonment" issues...

I know that you will get along with my toes very well because, they are like you freckles !!!

The worst nightmare they see all the time are feet pictures with shoes and socks that have separate toes!

Because of you freckles.. tonight I will have a nightmare...

shoes and socks with separate toes would be the worst gift to me!

or people wearing that kind of abomination can never be my friend or someone close to me!

Regardless of their boob size...

its a big deal breaker for me!

last glances of crow

crept on the edge of lawn pristine

vile maze of thoughts of brains

weeping and blaming

embrace the change after the voodoo

There lies, hazy lies of your life buried

                                       King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Ollie Craig - Pexels)


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