Wild Donkeys

 Hello Dearest Reader,

I have to admit, I never played for horse race or gambled in a casino...

Yes I played poker for money with friends and with dad...

Occasionally, I buy lotto tickets but never gambled

just don't get that thrill I don't find it exciting

not sure why I said this now..

once I lived in an Island for three years

it had all these different Casinos and Night Clubs.

The place was like the Las Vegas of the region

though I did not step my foot once in one of these places

Instead I spend my time chasing wild flowers in that beautiful and fragile ecosystem

there were fuckin wild cyclamens naturally growing...

sea was fantastic....and there were wild donkeys, fox and hares


they have very beautiful eyes...

If you select an animal with the most beautiful eyes

the first three one would be Donkey  followed by Camel and Horse

of course I have excluded Human animals in this list...

Human animals can also get in the list but since I used to be a human animal as well

I thought it would not be ethical to put humans in the list

because my selection would not be objective if human animals involved...

we cannot include human beings into this list because they see with their hearts

its been a while I have not mentioned, maybe to you that

sometime I need to go and put fresh wild flowers on my grave

because there is no one putting flowers there, I want to keep my memory alive

not talking about the resting place of broken pieces of one's self

there is a dead me which is no more 

the one who writes you is not the same me two years ago....

or twenty years ago...

I am happy that I died so that I reborn to be me that I am today....

death doesn't happened all of a sudden it was slow and painful....

as it happened I haven't resisted I have just let it take over me...

looked for a hand until the last moment....

within an endless blue abyss I looked above to a string of weakening light stream as I continuously fell

until there was no place to fall and light completely lost giving the blue to completely pitch dark...

suffocated, though I didn't struggled...

I discovered what was burning inside me

it was more bright than anything I have ever seen

I kept my self warm with it, followed it to wherever it lead me

it stripped me from me I was me no more 

me was dead, it was something else grasped life within than

universe don't like voids, it paints a new picture where ever it sees a void

my container raised once more, though there were still pieces of old me 

carved to it, like automatic responses

a new born awaken like a baby

I am still growing 

I love life, my body will die again but I will not!

Now, I know that I am more!

voices from my grave

which I pave like a half eaten dolmen, with three big stone

I rest underneath the wild flowers, a huge cairn shows my death cave

come pick up and smell flowers, from the earth, I fed them with my piece

left my persona, ego and pride in words of anger and rage

when everything is gone than I found the new me in a salvation of a release

as the stranger ghosts gather to get another piece of person once were

grave creeks, crooks as ghosts pick a bite from the all the pride no more

cleanse the earth to give a way for a brighter life and a never dying shine

Every once in a while 

I follow the cairns to lead me down to a stream where my grave lie,

among wild flowers of every color, my grave so fertile

Pick a wild flower and smell the old me 

climb over my dolmen and watch how the stream and wild flowers thrive.

Like a watercolor painting drawn by the hands of a lousy painter so naive yet alive

                                                                                                            King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Travis_blessing - Pixabay)

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