all façade empty inside


Do, Re, Mi

Fa, Sol, La, Si

Tomorrow, I have an interview for a job in Alberta

Yuppi ya yeah, yuppi ya yooo

Another company looking for a paid slavery

Lets see what kind of egg they will lay...

Although its in Calgary

so it means that I will be close to the mountains and Banff

however the pay they offer is simply impossible to make a living

I have to check my options...

just had a bike ride with my son...

its been a while since we have last biked...

this season I have not biked in comparison to previous years...

it felt nice 

we went to a park by the St. Lawrence

eat snack and made terrible jokes to one another...

it was a hot sunny day, we poured some sweat

on our way back home the weather closed and became 


now we are home and they just alerted an extreme weather event

it seems we are going to get a load of showers soon

these kind of extreme weather events already started to increase

and all of us acting like nothing is happening on the plant related to global warming 

as humans we are not capable of grasping events that occur in large scale of time

in 50 years time we fucked the planet up and  we considered the changes as the new normal in 

every decade

we are like alive lobsters being boiled in the pot....

even though we have some awareness on the situation

but we are incapable of doing a change

"it felt a little bit hotter than the normal"

thinking about a rig...

what kind of rig would be convenient to travel the world with your dog...

I need to find out the most economic on the fuel and most capable

you need to also consider whether you can repair it in conditions where you are away from help

or whether you can find out its spare parts and service options if you run into a big problem

a good reliability of the vehicle is also important...

its price is another factor....

the interior of the vehicle has to be large as well so that you can sleep or had a pop up tent on the top

maybe a place to cook, store food, water and other necessities...

there is also the price factor...

another concern is whether it is available for purchase in the location I am at...

in one end there are many options to choose from which you can develop to make them a better camping and off road platforms...

although... the thing in my mind is to do the tour in several stages...

so that at the beginning of the each stage you can modify your vehicle for the requirements of the next stage...

for instance you may consider to get a all terrain tires to save from gasoline instead of using off road tires  because most of the  journey is  going to be on the tarmac...

I used to have a second hand Land Rover  Defender 110 Td5 diesel in my mind for such a journey...

its spec is around 10.7 L/100 km, although this a 1990's vehicle and if you are lucky you will

find one with a low mileage around 70-80K

regardless you need to make a great haul up for such vehicle before you take up a serious journey like world tour....

and I believe the engine performance on fuel economy at 10.7 L/100 km would be questionable...

additionally even though it would be a very capable 4X4 it lacks all the amenities of the modern 4x4.

for  instance you don't have a air conditioning, hydraulic steering, lacks safety features...  

One more thing is that it is very expensive because they are not as common as they are in Europe in North America, therefore, they are very expensive......

If you find one for purchase it would be probably be a right hand wheel which would be another problem when you are considering to take up the world tour  where in most of the countries

the traffic is according to left wheel driving... 

Therefore, you need to probably  pay more for a left hand wheel one which is either imported from  Spain,  Turkey, Belgium or other countries that used them greatly or produced them under the license as well...

because there are handful of Land Rover Defenders and 110's are sold in North America market...

Most of the left hand wheel  versions are special imports from these countries..

So when you look to the commonly available and capable options other than my beloved Land Rover than it comes to the following cars...

a. 4th or 5th gen Toyota 4 Runner  4x4 based on Toyota land cruiser prado and its very reliable engine)

b. Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 

As for  nicks, nacks and off road and overlanding mods both vehicles afford a lot of options and platforms ranging from the inner builds to roof pop up tents..

in terms of availability both vehicles are abundantly available in North America

both of the vehicles have all the technological amenities

which bring also the problem of not being capable of resolving some of the issues you may encounter in your journey on your own unlike land rover defender...

thanks to electronics and electronic engine controls...

although in these  2 options 4 runner is a very very reliable  vehicle which can be used  200-300k km  by only doing the regular maintenance like the tire change, oil change etc......

on the other  hand  jeep wrangler requires a higher maintenance..

in comparison expected maintenance cost for the wrangler is around 10K until 200K km where as 4 runner's expected maintenance cost is 5K at the same mileage

but when you consider the fuel consumption for both of these vehicles 

4 runnner have 13.8 L/100km and wrangler has 11.8 L/100 km fuel consumption (combined)

of course these are factory values and as you load up the vehicle with the expedition material

due to the weight of these fuel consumptions will be higher...

as the way they are reported 200K km fuel consumption @ 2$/L fuel price makes a spending of 55K for 4-Runner and 47K for Wrangler

So you get the same cost for 200K km except for the insurance

the insurance cost of Toyota is for some reason is shown higher than the wrangler 

it costs 400$ more for 4-runner annualy

in terms of purchase price you  can find a decent low mileage 4-runner 2017 model around 40-47K

and wrangler rubicon 40-45K

so both vehicles  are possibility, because both of these  vehicles also have diff. locks and very off road capable trucks

in terms of drive comfort I think toyota would be better

I have not yet come to drive any of these vehicles yet

also I need to check the service availability around the world as well...

you need to make your due diligence before attempting to do such thing

it requires a great planning 

even though neither I have the funds nor the car to attempt such tour

I am learning and preparing my mind for such thing

so i have some idea on what are the things possible with each vehicle

you never know what is on the next corner for you..

need to get a puppy as well

probably a labrador retriever, border colie or a german shepherd :)

every big journey starts with a small steps...

 there are more things that I dreamt of after the small world trip....

I guess the hardest part of the world trip are the Central Africa, Central Asia, Middle East mostly because of the war zones, lack of roads and political situations...  

I should add the theft, kidnapping and violence in some part of the worlds are also additional challanges

probably if I start such tour, I would start with Canada and USA and get used to being on the road and to the vehicle 

than when you build up more confidence you can mod up the vehicle better and move on to the South America to complete Pan American high way...

during these journeys I also want to do climbing whenever I am in a mountainous region...

so I also want to do cycling and running in the places I went to...

Its not my intention to completely be on the road... I want to stay couple of days in every city 

I will visit...

There should be some time for your soul to arrive back to your body...

one needs to rest and enjoy the journey as well

you need time for yourself to breath the new place in 

you need some time to discover it 

and some time to enjoy yourself (jerk off) 

Maybe I come by some beautiful good women in those cities I will go

and maybe we will enjoy each other.

who knows.

Road brings many things...

You just need to be open to that flow...

These are the things I dream of  for my great journey.....

Actually, I dream more things than that journey....

mostly beautiful, peaceful and serene things


Please let me know if you have any ideas on how I can financially support such journey !!!

Obviously, the book and merch sales is not covering anything...

Torn evaporated milk

In tins without pins

yellowish hue lost its life

buried in can destined for pan

cats ignore rats galore

all façade empty inside

come to light clear this blight

your only salvation is love

                            King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Knapp, J. Augustus 1853-1938 from Etidorhpa; or, The End of Earth. by John Uri Lloyd)

New book is out !
Check the books link!


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