
 Dearest Reader,

Yesterday, it was a nice bike ride

This is a confession.. I like to ride bike but I don't like my balls in my mouth...

I made approximately 40-45 km (my lousy bicycle started to make a clanking sound and there is some serious slack in the pedal and high likely my gears are not aligned because ball bearing is missing its balls, this bike is an enemy to all balls!) 

and when you do a very long run bike run like that,

you should beware ass ache and retracted ball syndrome...

 its a temporary biker health issue.

especially, in the places where the bike is used in excess

it makes a funny accent when patient speaks in English

this effect is mostly due to the balls retracted to the mouth...

So in order to preserve my non-native English accent I had to wait

for a day to let my balls back into their original position....

Here I am with my balls in their correct place with my original accent...

ta da...

its been a busy day today... 

I have done many things, including job applications and as well as other stuff which I needed to do...

sometimes I find myself lost gazing into horizon

just like looking  to the first daffodils of the spring with excitement

or to gaze bluest eyes of that beautiful girl you have unexpectedly met

than you shake and return to whatever you were doing

a wake up from day dreaming

When I see pictures of good old Europe

it seems like a home


things, people, places

that have history


yet full of wisdom

and experience...

when you lived all your childhood

in a city as old as the civilization...

you lack this feeling

in the new world...

you experience every sight seeing 

and place as artificial,


its different!

feel like, 

it lacks a quite bit of 


don't get me wrong

there are simply very

beautiful cities in North America

with their own 

unique history and soul

like New York, Montreal, Toronto;

but most of the small cities 

are very similar....

although here 

especially in Canada

the nature is so abundant


and mostly well preserved and untouched.

the North

its wild...


I guess the road is calling me again

when you are going to a long travel or an adventure

and you plan to have someone with you,

than you should select your partner really well

that person should be able to crack couple of jokes here and there

and should take up bad jokes.

They should not loose their spirits 

at the first hardship you are going to encounter.

they should be sturdy and should not complaint for small things

most of the time should suck the terrible conditions and than still be able to crack a smile

they should be a persistent, very stubborn against hardships

should be next to you

whatever journey throws at you...

should enjoy the good times with you

but enjoy the challenges with you as well...

should know to enjoy the journey itself

and your companionship

and they should not look forward for arriving the destination

because they should have a lot of fun spending time with you...

I set a lot of cairns

for you to find your way

that road leads to light

your salvation,

a contentful living


happiness and joy...

you can only find your


if you take the step,

follow the way

and enjoy



if you can make

it where I am at

one day

we can enjoy 

the moment 


and set



other souls

to follow

the way

to the


        King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: 0-0-0-0 Pixabay)



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