Hey Reader,

Have you ever completely surrounded by light inside and out?

feeling like crazy,

a being made of gold

very bold 

yet humbly told!

You need to find a way to make living?

Before you come to that point!

that is what I can tell you, because

after that point nothing will be the same for you...

my every moment seem to became longer

just like the "Alobar" who found the means to extend his life

devoid from his beloved "Kudra"

 I feel the great need to be on the road

just like before....

make a stage dive

into destiny...

destiny is making love under the cover of the night

with a ginger short haired gypsy punk girl

in the sill of an apartment door

across the great cathedral Duomo of  Florence...

in a beautiful mild Mediterranean summer..

density is trying to make things happen in a full moon night

with a long haired brunette fake punk girl

in the sill of your mind's portal to other realms

across the community center of your small town..

in a gloomy frigid Boreal winter... 

                                        King H. Ironson

"....Although destiny, our destiny, may be " written in the Stars" yet it was the mission of the divine Soul to raise the human Soul above the circle of necessity, and the Oracles give Victory to that Masterly Will, which

"Hews the wall with might of magic,

Breaks the palisade in pieces,

Hews to atoms seven pickets . . .

Speaks the Master words of knowledge! "...' "

                                 (from The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster by W. Wynn Westcott)

(Photograph: Jguemez - Pixabay)

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