
 Hello Reader,

Do you know anyone who is really independent?

I don't know such person

I don't think anyone is independent...

unless if you are a hermit living alone 

in the wild making a living out of nature 

without interacting anyone...

also I am considering that person don't have any family as well...

even in that case I am sure that kind of person is not independent as well....

sure because they will have the need to interact with other persons...

we are social creatures we need others, even if we are capable of surviving on our own...

so the deal is.... 

we are bound to people, places or things with a bond

therefore we cannot be independent...

there are many bonds that binds us....

the bonds come in many forms social bonds, material bonds, nationality bonds, etc.

some of them you don't select

you born bonded to them....

like the bond you have with your body, or the parents, society, religion, nationality you born into...

the other type of bonds you generate them as you live along... 

you bond with the things that you are interested to hobbies, material things, people, friendships, relationships, a type of living etc....

So as you see as we live we bond ourselves to many things

the release of these many bonds is not easy....

and I don't think you need to release from all these bonds as well..

although there are some bonds that you can consider clearing if these bonds

cause issues to you and if they are unhealthy for you

this could be an addiction, a toxic relationship, job, or a friendship...

why I said all these things...

I came by a person claiming that she is so independent and free...

it made me laugh...

so naive and ignorant...

lets say for a while we loose everything we got

relationship, family, material things...

again we are not independent

we are bound to our body

we are bound to our senses and our brain to understand reality

when we are bound to this many things even if you loose everything

how the fuck you can be independent....

of course probably that gal was opening green light to man who would be with her...

saying that she is independent....

while depending many things at once without recognition

ignorance is a bliss....

when you don't know things seem to move easy for you

until you hit a wall...

than if you have some wisdom you question why...

if you are lucky and recognize the root cause of your problems...

than you will question more

you want to learn more

as you learn more you question more

you let things go in your life

the things that does not serve you

you break some bonds

you make new bonds

hopefully healthier bonds

bonds that serves your life's purpose

as you breath life in your body

you will be bonded

only your soul is boundless

only your soul is free

only your soul is independent

if you let it to be...

I am not telling you all these because I figured them out

this is also a constant struggle for me as well

I have my own journey to align my life

with my soul...

and I can see from what I experience myself

everyone has their own unique journey

life throws everyone into their unique situations

and everybody already have their unique way of experiencing the life

therefore everybody have their unique conditions...

I am sure somebody who is more wise than me read my words here 

and would think that I am ignorant....

indeed I am 

the only thing I know is that I know so little

its a learning journey

so in consideration I am somebodies ignorant like that person I mentioned earlier as ignorant....


I gave a head rest for myself for a week....

to slow down and breath

become more aware of my real self

my life, my soul

and what I am 

what I really want 

yet I don't have any answers yet....

for a while I have been

feeling uneasy   

there is no particular reason

high likely anxiety of job searching process

and my soul's lack of alignment with this situation..

the anxiety overwhelmed me to a point of exhaustion

so reader; 

I gave a break

to catch up with my soul

we chit chat with him for a while

I asked him whether he let 

hope to bang some whores and let him to get drunk

so that he can come to a reason...

my soul told me that hope is still in depression

even though he banged many whores and drank many wines, many beers.

I hold the hand of my soul and gave the light I collected from the sun

I told to my soul "take this my soul and blow it to hope's face"

I know our hope is going to breath this in and light his inner flame once more again

So he can shine back to us whenever we are lost in our dark days....

                                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: ZiÅŸan Özdemir - Pexels)

Readers in order to make this blog more possible please buy the merch or the selection of books I provide in the links. I know most of the books are available only in USA but its started to change
there some available also in other regions as well
for instance 

THE DIVINE PYMANDER by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus

The Iliad & The Odyssey Hardcover by Homer 



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