Hello Reader,

As I opened my computer this morning on the couch morning sun was directly hitting to my face

felt like a cat and than I saw my own reflection on the screen 

staring back at me behind these words that I am writing to you...

I take a good look at it...a battered face which carries the marks of many epic battles

many loss and many wins....many nothingness....hopeful in his hopeless looks

I tried to love myself from the shell looks good...

it was not it looked like 25 years ago, but its still rocking

I cannot say the same thing for my soul...

as I gaze deep inside I become more content

with the things I find inside....the things I transformed

and the things I protected...

its been a while I am not writing

not because I don't want to write

nor I don't have anything to write

I was just fighting with the ghosts of yesterday

though during this break I came to realize the moment more

not "the moment", "moment"

the "moment" of the "moment" 

think it like a glimpse of an infinite frame in your mind...

the moment you came to realize the amazement of complexity and beauty of each frame you experience

with your story telling brain....

regardless of the shitty things, drama, lack and pain you are going through

you will be still amazed in the beauty and uniqueness and potential

each of these moments carry....

as you grasp the enormity of the entropy you generate by simply being in the universe

you gave a thousand times more attention to each of these frames

instead of looking back to past

nor waiting the future

things that have this huge complexity cannot be transcribed into words with all the available words of all the languages

we need to do it in a more simpler way

just like a haiku

very oversimplified explanation of overcomplex reality

"the meaning" is not meant to be understood

because its a frame of frame of frame of frame of frame of the flow where you can focus on infinite number of details in infinite times....

every "moment" is infinity

there is not enough place in the universe to store this infinite information

an information which comes into reality as you focus to that "information" in the moment

a white butterfly landed 

on my flower

as I dream the

pain of your dream

of kissing your 

ruby lips

            King H. Ironson

I have been very rusty on the book department, I simply stopped doing them

though I started to work on them again, I completed 2 books 

soon I will give you the links...

as I was browsing the old books I came by one of my beloved poets

masters of master "Omar Khayyam"

These are two of the rubaiyats of him that I love... (11 and 47)

"Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,

A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse—and Thou

Beside me singing in the Wilderness—

And Wilderness is Paradise now."

                            (Rubaiyat XI - RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM By Omar Khayyam,  Rendered into English Verse, By Edward Fitzgerald 1859)

"And if the Wine you drink, the Lip you press,

End in the Nothing all Things end in—Yes—

Then fancy while Thou art, Thou art but what

Thou shalt be—Nothing—Thou shalt not be less."

                                      (Rubaiyat XLVII - RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM By Omar Khayyam,  Rendered into English Verse, By Edward Fitzgerald 1859)

(Illustration: Edmund J. Sullivan - This is a 47th quatrain's illustration 1913 by Edmund J. Sullivan 1869-1933 to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, First Version (translated by Edward Fitzgerald))

This year I am 47.



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