Hello All,

Yesterday was  busy...

the meeting was successful from my point of view and it seems they are also flexible on the pay as well...

let's see whether they will call me for the second interview...

I might move to Alberta!

After the meeting we went to grocery shopping with my son..

and call it the day off...

This morning simply I was not able to wake up

I basically scratched my self from the bed....

woke up very late.... (late bird this time...usually I am an early bird and night bird...sometimes vampire...sometimes a flying mammal...might hang of reversed from the ceiling....I am all kind of flying creatures with wing.... aside I am other animals wolf, bear, sea lion, whale, cat, dog, squirrel, chipmunk, gopher, bunny, mice, elephant, camel, sheep and many more)

my body is aching 

I guess I am going to get sick

all day I laid around than we get out to backyard to fly my son's drone...

which we crashed and brake one of the blades immediately...

I have been preparing a new book and checking something called "buy me coffee"

this thing will allow for you guys to donate to my poetic journey!! and have access to my exclusive content...

although, I am still trying to figure out how it works and how to set up an account...

also, checking the things needed in the rig for the world tour,

I have been checking out the power systems...

As an example I have learned that LiFePO4 batteries are better than the other Li batteries in regard to life as well as in terms of safety....also now I have an idea on my potential power requirements therefore, I now know that the power output I should get for the solar panels for charging the power center... 

Another thing I find is a clever DIY pressurized shower that can be implemented on the roof...

Checked the potential pop up tents or potential sleeping arrangements inside the vehicle...

I was wearing my lucky and happy Ramones t-shirt last couple of days... though I had to take it out because it started to stink...(now I am wearing my pink Popeye the sailor man t-shirt! )

Love is,


Love is


Love is

Good times

With good vibes

                                                                                                King H. Ironson

            (From: A poetic Investigation on: What Love is?)

Yesterday, I trimmed my beard a little bit before the meeting, put some cologne as well...(for the sake of presentable look)

Eventually, I will figure out to earn money as I am on the road travelling the world and support my kid as well while it is school time....other times he will be together with me travelling the world running into adventures every day!!!!

Yes, I ate lentil, bulgor and topped it with a very good salad I did with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, baked paprika, onions, coriander, lemon, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, oregano, mayonnaise and sesame seeds....

it was a flavor blast


reader as you see...

my brain is out of sync today....

cannot focus on the ideas...


Migraine is ticking

My life stopped sucking

consciousness awaken mind is pushing

walls in my brain collapsing

light is surrounding, as my heart pumping 

Love's lit flame still burning 

journey awaits life blooming

I will be out of my grave soon...

Love and Light inside and out          

                          King H. Ironson  

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)

Don't have anything to do with people hanging on to ego, pride and arrogance!
will write again for her majesty Inanna!

Love is,



The ego.

                            King H. Ironson

            (From: A poetic Investigation on: What Love is?)


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