My life is a journey in a lousy Dinghy!

 Hello Dear Reader,

As you can see

I like to stick it to the man*

from time to time...

my mind goes and comes back....

but its sharp as knife's edge

like the ridges of mountains I like to climb!

the words,



for a silence

to take up to the stage!

just like a fart that want to take up stage when you are surrounded by beautiful women!

ha ha ha....

Admit it.....

it was a funny story 

and it was real..

ha ha ha ha ....


I guess that I told you about this?



I just thought about the 


we communicate with "blue"


the painting 

I have told you earlier......

its been a while since I rolled a joint

because I felt that its been over a control for a while

as I was working back than....

I used to smoke it 

every night

my dates with "Marry Ann"

like she was "blue"

or as I was dating with that

beautiful girl



water color 

paintings of 







No fire in the frame...





between her



the one


made me

come to life


it was such an enlightenment for me!

Suzy's daughter is feeding on my lawn, she is so cute...

A new generation bunny...

I am happy for the Suzy...

Oh... Sorry! 

I forget to introduce her to the new readers

its the bunny that live in my backyard under the shed

my son named her "Suzy"

at the moment he named her we didn''t knew if she is a he or he is a she

but this year like 

the last year 

we had a new bunny cub...

the size is smaller than 

an adult bunny...

Suzy must be really a "she" so we christened her with an appropriate name for its gender.. 

Anyways I have to inform you that 

I was really successful rolling a joint

I need to meet "M"

I need consultation from her!

like the first breath I took from her!

we were on a small fishing boat in butterfly valley...

I had just made friends with the captain then..

The kid (captain) used to work (shit I burned my joint from the wrong way round! all that effort ;()

as a regular shipman (deckman at the lowest level), 

he was steering the lousy dinghy with a makeshift motor into the depths of Aegean 

on a July's fire under a sunny weather 

It was a sketch dinghy which leaks in water, 

we were shaded by a makeshift sticks on the dingy covered by kneaded recycled sack

which used to contain flour before!

"grinded wheat"

what a fucking great sack of words were that

and it was fucking real!

the dingy was battling the waves that were 2-3 meters..**

it was a chabby water...

especially when you are not in the protection of the shoreline..

we were trying to go to the next valley which have a beach

I just signed up for the journey with the condition to help the lousy captain

my duty was to throw the anchor and hold the dingy when 

customers are trying to get on the dingy and get off from the dingy on the shore...

we had booze with us and we were being baked 

under the hot sun

when you go to the depths from the shore

wind helps you to chill

you don't feel burnt like you were on the beach

(shit I have only one more can of beer left)***

I will enjoy it the best way possible

being a drunkard is also expensive these days

thanks for keeping me away from alcohol inflation!

anyways on the way 

the motor of the dingy was making very loud noises

so it was not possible to communicate by talking

it was a constant patting, burring from the engine and fire cracks sounds and burping sounds coming from the exhaust 

the customers wanted to swim 

great captain stopped the engine and shouted to me with his hands and eyes to drop the anchor.

I dropped the anchor

all the rope went in the dark blue bottom and stopped with a slack

than I tied the knot the tip of the dingy

we are approximately 50-60 meters to the cliffs

which were towering 300-400 m from the sea

occasionally couple of stones were dropping and falling to the sea


the wind is pushing the dingy towards the beach 

so we were not getting any closer to the cliff side

all the customers

(beautiful women mostly)

jumped to the sea 

it was beautiful

and after the engine sound

it was serene but

all that vibration and sound was still echoing in your brain...

great captain took out a joint

since all the customers were in the sea swimming

we were drinking ice cold beer and start sharing a joint...

(actually I lied to you earlier because this was not the first time I smoked a joint, although this was the first time I met with Marry Ann)

he light the joint, took a big breath and gave it to me....

with a smiling response to this present

I grab the joint and took a big breath...

the shit was like sucking the titties of the sky while the sea 

was massaging your shoulders 

sun exploded in my brain...

shit was strong

I started to trip immediately.

until this time the things that I get baked with

were not Cannabis if this is also from the same plant!

the lousy captain probably have the best contacts

whom can hook him with the best shit 

this was not cannabis plant 

it was either king or queen of the cannabis plants.

flying on the dingy 

I was making love with a plant smoke

I took a dip on the dark blue sea, 

to wake up and return to earth for a while 

so that I can understand what the fuck was going on!

My skin felt like the sea was cuddling me as if I was a baby in swaddling

it cared for me and sucked my sorrow out...

kissed me gently as I was going deep

in a blue void

light refracted from the surface

making weird shadow play on the surface

from further I can hear the 

voices of the galls giggling and gossiping about

how they would fuck with me and some of them with the captain

from my point of perspective 

I can see their moving ass and white legs in the water

for a moment all the artefact sounds

from the dinghy's motor ceased 

and I am left serene

with a beautiful girl with dark black hair and cosmos blue eyes 

under the water

for a brief second I thrust some in her inviting pussy 

as her white honey legs surround my belly

our hair intermingled to one another in the water

we kissed passionately

that beast had a long tongue

she fucked me back with her tongue in the mouth

I thrust some more ...

than hold her ripe but small breasts which have highlighted tits

gently rescued my mouth who was raped by her tongue

and started sucking the nectar from the titties of the cannabis goddess

I don't know if you ever smoked such a shit?

suddenly I came back to my senses when my 

reptilian brain urged my ass to go up to the surface

gasping for air....

I thrust my self to the surface

as I go up 

I let all of the fume in my lungs outside...

when I surfaced I found myself in a cloud of smoke next to the rolling dinghy

captain was smiling back at me like a jerk high on joint

yelled at me "did it hit you good? ha ha ha..."

continued "come get some more... this shit is so strong, if I smoke it all by myself we might end up on the Rhodes. ha ha ha...."

he was laughing franticly than he gulped his beer all at once and screamed


meaning "pussy" in his language 

all the girls swimming in the sea (passengers) started to laugh hysterically....

I swam close to the dinghy

he brought the joint close to me 

I took another giant breath

and started to fly over the valley...

over the sea




it was like listening to "Cosmic Blues" 

by Black Elephant

like I had wings and I was a giant eagle searching for prey

high above the sky....


with all the power and fuck you's 

I have in me

a piece of earth 

came to be

flapping wings heavily

searching for hot air currents to rise above

in a rainbow

surrounded by 

musty love made of earth...

a big smile in my face

it was all blue

deep blue sea, 

cotton blue horizons

captain and me 

were flying inside

the god 

who made us!

galls who were swimming and planning to ride us that evening were not even aware

of the seriousness of our situation

put my head inside the sea once again

to come to myself once again

made another round with the cannabis goddess

an orgasm beyond explanation

it took only couple of seconds

breath in the air from the hot July sunny salty sea weather

hold on to the side of the dinghy

captain was looking ok

although when I tried to get to my senses 

I recognized that he was phased out...

he was still smoking the shit out of the giant joint

quickly I came close to the dinghy

I have to save all of us from an event that might include getting stranded in the sea late at night

hold on the side and asked for the joint

"I thought to myself " at least if he is in better condition than me, we can get back to the shore, I don't even know how to start the stupid motor!""

I sucked the joint in like there is no tomorrow 

and than asked for my beer can

I gulped it down

and peed in the sea

than swam as fast as I can into the depths of Aegean

I was just phased out

felt like I was a dolphin

a part of this earth

a part whom will return

back again to her once more... 

brown soils, blue seas and skies.....

Reader I have to tell you that the Rabbit was with me all the time...

if you can understand what I mean....

I don't need to follow her

Although, its not a white rabbit,

mine is gray-brown and living under my shed.

veil was lifted a long time ago for me...

not with an unnatural shit

it all happened

in house (mind)

no external aids!

not sure how this is proceeded

but I know that

someone who passed away helped me greatly

still helping me...

not with words

but with thoughts...

with coincidences...


I don't expect you to believe...

take your take

its fine with me...

where were we....

as I was swimming so free like a fish (sorry sea mammal) with 33 vertebrae 

who has brown beaded rosary with 33 beads

I thought of what will be of me 

in this life

and I started to ran from my thoughts

fazed out from the regrets I have 

remembered who brought me 

to this very moment in life

drunk and high on depths of Aegean swimming hysterically...

after a while

I heard the captain yelling at me

as I recognised the sound I stopped

and gasped for some air because I was swimming 

with some tempo for a while

returned to my senses and looked back

I was 100m away from the dinghy 

the galls were on board

it was time to go...

I raised my hand to signal to captain that I am coming back..

he was shouting like crazy as girls were giggling

its seems like the captain broke the ice with the customers

he shouted " I will fuck this one! tonight"

girls laughed at high tone altogether

I started to swim back slowly but steadily

as my thoughts started to clear

I remembered the reasons how I found my self in here

an unsuccessful self destruction attempt

prevented by a blunt knife accompanied by excessive alcohol consumption..

life is not butterflies and rainbows

its pure pain, deception and sorrow,

don't take a word from a drunkard

but you might learn couple of things from his philosophy


"its a scam..."

"if you let it be!"

Anyways, I swam back to the Odyssey..

I took my time

it seemed to me it was like miles away...

the joint was hitting me really hard

I was high and drunk at the same time

although still running a swimming marathon

without hesitation.

it was a good weather 

as I remember

like heaven

and you were playing with the sea and weather 

it was not harsh in anyway...

reader I just realised that I cannot see the screen clearly if I don't have 1.5 glasses I bought from home depot

fuck this is

how being old manifest itself

"fuck you life I am not going anywhere! "

I came back to the dinghy

climbed up from the side

the sea was so chappy

as the time I took step on the side and get on the boat 

once I raised on my feet a wave hit and 

to get my balance I took another step on the side

and finally nearly falling made my way to the tip...

girls were screaming

boobs were bouncing


I made my way to the tip of the boat yaay

started pulling the anchor

it felt to me like

I was pulling my life further after forever

my immature death

it never ended

the end of the rope

I believe it was a great scene for the gals 

as I pull the anchor from the depths of the Aegean

I don't recall shaking my hard ass cheeks with each pull of the rope

but I remember two girls holding their hearts and biting their lips 

as I turned back facing towards them.

I came face to face with the captain

he throw me a new can of beer...

just to refresh from the shit

we just smoked!

I opened the ice cold beer

which was swimming in the melted ice in the icebox..

I took a gulp and winked to one of the girl holding her heart and biting her lip

she has a bronze colored skin and medium sized boobs and hazel eyes...

later on at night I fucked her on the beach in butterfly valley under a night without a moon...

her gasps and moans told me she also had fun

I cannot recall her name though, 

because next evening I fucked another girl who approached me as I was painting rocks on the beach with acrylic paint,.. 

I remember painting her body with the paint, later in the day...

she was white skinned, blonde with green eyes..

don't remember her name as well,,

when you fuck with someone

you load on everything that their soul carries in your soul...

and I fucked many!

until I realized the shit I am heading to!

that might be the reason why I am so fucked up in the mind

the dinghy we rode on was like the picture I put in the post

sorry reader, at the time we were using cellphones but we were not prisoners of it!

still we made meetings the good old way back than indicating the time and place! 

also with the goodwill that other person is going to show up...

so after I removed the anchor from the depths of Aegean

we started to move on to the next bay on the line

where cliffs gave a way to another natural cost...

sea sun and voices of crumbling sea salt on your bronze skin

high as eagles could fly...

(Photograph: Halidox -Pixabay)


freedom is locked

inside the solid cornered


for you



I can tell you certainly that

we are all monitored

free birds!






*the boss, the guy in charge, the authority  etc.

**might be some exaggeration

***still left with one beer as I am going over this text once more what a coincidence ha ha 

**** I like to use cornered brackets when I want to stick up to the man* for a greater eficiency



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