how your skin sounds

 Hello Reader.

The letters in my laptop stopped to shine

I write these words to you under dark

listening to very good music 

a music that is food to my soul.

So as you can guess the words come intentionally

as the fingers find their correct places intuitively

like a divine orchestra playing in my head

my beer finished a while ago, I am awake and I don't know 

if the life will be any easier in the future 

to do the things that I wanted to do!

Probably, many of you outside partying or making love

maybe alone reading a good book with a wine in hand...

or maybe you are in depression, very unhappy trying to cling to life

maybe you are poor and unemployed like me trying to find things to be grateful and hopeful...

reader all we have is the moment...

if we cannot know its value than we cannot expect to have the futures we hoped for...

because if we cannot already enjoy the moment which was an old future which we wanted to live in...

we will not understand and enjoy the future we hoped for when it arrives..

so reader 

savour the moment so that you can recognize 

you are already living the in future you asked for earlier....

I conclude my words with a poem which was inspired by the writing I saw earlier

how your skin sounds

as its tightened by the sea and salt

is it harsh, 

how does your bikini lines show up

when you are really baked under real sun

are you a woosie?

I am not interested in bowing languages

or bowls...

but I might be interested to fuck you 

so take your chances while you can....

beat, wheat what a treat

                        King H. Ironson

(Mosaic: Lion and four millet stems mosaic in the Bardo National Museum between 200-250)


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