wet carpet smell

 Hello Dear Reader,

Did you miss me?

I didn't miss you because literally I don't know you as much as you know me!

Only thing I know about you is where you are from? 

I mean the country you are viewing my posts, 

that is what I can see from the statistics of my blog...

although I am not sure whether you are viewing from me exact that country because you might use a vpn...

so to be clear,

I didn't miss you,

don't get me wrong

thanks for reading my stuff....

but I don't know you so, 

I cannot lie here to your face that I have missed you....

your honest writer here...

if I know you maybe I would miss you

but than this creation process will be intervened by the fact that we know each other

and expectation that you will load without you realizing 

this will cause alterations in the creative process...we talked about this before...

please don't make me repeat my self...

please read the older blog entries...

Even though when I was away I have not missed you reader, but I missed writing...

and today is our day of celebration

celebration of love

through making our offerings to love

a poem and an environmentally friendly nude

aka mental nude!

Freitag, Venus


all reincarnations of Inanna...

we salute your gift to our world

appreciate the light

you put in our small hearts

we accept

your curse and bless

we accept

your divine mockery

we accept

your wings and songs

we accept 


bless from you is 

all there is to

find in a dark

world with pain.

bless from you is

all there is to 

find in our cramped

prison of our mind.

bless from you is

all there is to

place a worth

among all the 

things can be 



among all the 

things cannot 

be hold.

bless from you

rings all the bells

in our soul's memory.

bless from you is

the only thing

I ever miss.

                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Charles W. Gilhousen 1919 – Model Unknown)

I have been away for a while as I mentioned earlier
camping trip...
it was the one of the worst camps ever...
saw the darkness once more again
it did not have the effect though to break me
I took it in...
shined my way through it
these lands are weird
have their own spirits
after the dark
ravens saluted my camping spot
one by one
my carpet is wet
and it smells wet carpet
do you ever experienced a "wet carpet" smell?
not completely wet
not partially wet
a washed carpet but still some water left inside it
making this nasty
my camping experience
like that!
and I embraced it
enjoyed it!
I even
in the lake
talk to the frogs!
walked during the night
pitch dark
listened to the
my ditch
my old witch,
A thing I will never itch!
some pitch
that became
I rather
not in chocolate
but in small
brandy glass.


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