whiskers brine

 Dear Readers,

As I was writing to you yesterday and trying to share my posts..

very weird accounts started to pop up in my tweeter

they had very weird posts

that suggests I should be aware of what I write and 

I should consider the outcomes...


I am not sure whether I should be offended or afraid...

this is a blog that contains 

my writings and impressions mostly literary work

sorry if I am inspired by the negative impacts of rising racism and discrimination 

which I live daily and endured for a while

these kind of reptilians who try to silence the power of word by intimidation

should consider to evaluate such primitive behaviour

which does not have a place in western values and illumination!

This would be everything I will mention to you reader as an explanation.

and I am sorry because this thing effected the creative journey I was trying to share with you...

tonight I will only share with you a kraken poetry!

Pin the fear hear of exit sense

file shore sun holds

a cream matcher women

filth whiskers brine

of lories of run lard

Jolly moon sent lance

silk brim horse metals

Sin hen fen violent freeze

set widows whisker rescuers lofty

sheath far chaotic mansion rent free's

Ouch mummies fart feat

a bountiful crush trike

fainting dame's lover sheeting tart

haze she newly rate rife ballerine tint

and lay sour bully festive cart

Flock sands fine clownish lotion

a swore sim phony of four seers

thought bore sparrows rides

thought filthing falter

and mender gears.

and hen he fissure sure taint fall calls

a shushed pestilence prevails

dare told yearn

she weeps of bark fence

There the fight dome Limes tails

Four fin bonne light

there flickering rites

hence beside

the click rinds sits retard

there fear and freedom glide

                                King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Kavowo-Pixabay)



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