Die blaue

 Dear Reader,

Tonight I have plenty of beer and I am listening to some great  music

so I can write, although its been stressful and moody for me

last days...there is an anger that is like a well with infinite depth...

it roars inside of me 

cannot handle unfairness greatly...

it turns into words destructive and hurtful

so if that is the mood I am in

I hide into the depths of Kraken poetry

like I am reflecting my soul to you from multiple reflections

which in the end turns into a blob of weird rhyming words

just like hidden spell passed from a enigma device

so you got to read some weird shit I got to relieve

and cum off the anger into words....

reader today I cried

as I listened to "Voodoo Child" 


I felt relieved and I felt the inner strength...

after all when you say your goodbyes to things that are dear to you

they don't all of a sudden vanish from your life

they dissapear little by little...

like a giant puzzle loosing its piece bit by bit

that's life you can't keep giving to situations which does not feed you...

so reader...I can write a short story maybe tonight

it would be delivered but don't know at what time

depends on how the night proceed, if you are awake

you can read it...

my face is full of stories

fyi I did not cut my beard

I am a bear with beard and an ear

my hair also grown a lot

not as long as I was young

back than it was up to my arse

you need a long hair for a good old headbang...

Gongs sang the Enlil's hall of king

There flaps the tattoos of the wind

Lust hide shun heard sin

Dim light shadows on nude carcass

Gongs of shy foul, nye choice is lead 

Die blaue, unsung my song ass tears bears

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: David Mogollon - Pexels)

Wait reader
it takes
I have some mood
there is nothing
except to suck it up ;0


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