Dear Reader,

Tomorrow, I have a big day, pray for me...

Today..I will talk about the deity/god I liked the most when I was in India.

Yesterday... My Reader from Germany did not showed up to read the blog...Literally, I got worried about them..don't misunderstand me, I do not know who they are but they were here with me reading my blog ...and they read it as soon as I post my when they did not show up yesterday..I got worried for them...I am saying them because I don't know what they want me to call to themselves...Reader from Germany I hope you are ok! and I hope you continue to be with me in this journey !

Yes we were talking about Today....

the main topic my favorite Indian God/Deity "GANESH"

the first time I saw his depiction I liked him and felt close to him...

there are many other cool deities of Indian saga, I don't want to be disrespectful to their followers and believers ....

there is Hanuman, there is Shiva, there is Brahman, there is Vishnu...and many more 

I felt close to him, I was not aware what he was representing....

it felt a "lighter" deity to me 

I love elephants.

maybe that is the reason I am not sure....

Ganesh represents the wisdom, arts and sciences as well as he is regarded as the breaker of obstacles...

he is the bringer of good luck and he is the god of  beginnings.. 

Maybe one of the reincarnations of GANESH is Hermes...

although many sources say Greek equivalent of Ganesh would be Janus

after I grew fond of him I learned that he was the God of wisdom!

this new info made me grew more fond of him...

in my house I got lots of elephant statues and from time to time I chant his mantra

because I like the vibration it gives to me...its the basic mantra of Ganesh

"OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA"  meaning "I am bowing down to Ganapataye with all my existence and accepting all its great qualities in my own self being"

as you see "OM"

identifies "Ganesh"

its the primal vibration which personifies Ganesh

"Om" is the essence of supreme absolute consciousness

in this aspect another veda related to Ganesh tells us 

Ganapati Atharvashirsha:

"oṃ namaste gaṇapataye

tvameva pratyakṣaṃ tattvamasi

tvameva kevalaṃ kartāsi

tvameva kevalaṃ dhartāsi

tvameva kevalaṃ hartāsi

tvameva sarvaṃ khalvidaṃ brahmāsi

tvaṃ sākṣādātmāsi nityam"

"Om, I offer a salutation to that one, to Ganapati. You are, verily, the prime principle. You are verily the unswerving (direct or straight) creator and the upholder. You are verily the unswerving destroyer. You are verily this assuredly absolute Brahman. You are verily the eternal self."

Ganesh is the concept of "supreme reality"

he is the giver of the meaning to the "word"

I just wanted to recite his mantra's 

to break the obstacle in front of me :)

and also be blessed with his luck!

OM the supreme meaning

of believing and thinking

beyond thought existing

as pure form of reality in the making

                               King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Suvan Chowdhury 2016- The God of New Beginings - Elephant Sculpture - Trust Ganesha - Pexels)

Maybe later I would write my adventures in India and Nepal
year 1997 or 98 I cannot quite remember..
the only time I walked on the streets with my red boxer...
later I'll write more in detail for Ganesh....
I need to get my sleep for tomorrow!




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