Gracious Kind

 Dear Reader,

The reality exist in the gap between the two consecutive breaths

there you will hear the echoes of what you previously thought as real

this is like hearing a running of a big machine, the clanking, cranking and squeezing 

sounds as it generates the perception of the world, as you shone through the moment scam reality always

reminds you its there and you need to put a great effort to experience the real reality

this huge construct is for you to sleep on during your life..

unfortunately its a construct we all collectively generated 

and it runs on abstract concepts which are all our invention

these abstract concepts does not have any value however we give great value to these concepts.. 

.if you can believe these fake concepts are the foundation stones of the construct...

when you see the real reality you understand these concepts and how they bind you down

stripping you off from your freedom. 

from your real being

you are programmed just after being born into this construct and you will probably defend all these concepts with your flesh and bone probably until the day you will die, and probably you will die still believing these concepts.

ignorance is a bliss 

and yes it does not make you a bad person to believe and follow these abstract concepts...

but if you get some kind of awareness you should dig them up for yourself 

and maybe you should try to question your reality as well...

at least try to turn your mind within and ask within...

I guarantee you will find amazing things there....

some of you might consider "religion" or "philosophy" when I talk of "abstract concepts" that made up of our reality...

no I believe religions, philosophy and science are all our means of understanding the reality 
or the ways we use to touch and fill the void within ourselves...

because we all fear and suffer within the great existence we call life, or being alive 

we all know with the inner knowledge we have; that we are not this small as its dictated by the modern living

or at least the way we are all conditioned to believe...

you should question the concepts like "success", "values",  and many more....

I am sure you will figure out many other concepts which made up our fake construct

we are all trapped in....

dig in and touch your own void

real reality is there!

Feel the strength of sprouting seed

reaching for the sun a lights greed

want to blossom to the reality with the magic of the word

spelled like a flower in full bloom from within toward and onward

Greet the shining reality with all your open mind of gracious kind

distill in the knowledge and the wisdom of the seers blind which break the bind

the real values and chants of life there you fill find, don't hesitate follow my spell in the wind

                                                 King H. Ironson  



(Photograph: Fidan Nazim Qizi - Pexels)



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